
MLC Wholesale Australian Share Fund

About this Fund

Fund Detail

PDS content/dam/mlcam/pdf/mlcit/mlc_wholesale_australian_share_fund_pds.pdf
FUND MANAGER MLC Asset Management
ASX Code

The Trust invests primarily in companies listed (or expected to be listed) on the Australian Securities Exchange.


The MLC Wholesale Australian Share Fund is
one of MLC’s single sector trusts. It invests in
Australian shares and suits investors looking
for a complete investment solution for that
asset class.
The Trust benefits from the strength of our
investment experts' manager research
capability, experience and knowledge of

BENCHMARK S&P/ASX 300 Total Return Index
FUND SIZE S&P/ASX 300 Total Return Index
FEES Estimated to be 0.73% pa of the Trust’s NAV



Complete asset class solution

The Trust brings together a specific
combination of investment managers and is
an easy way to gain access to a sophisticated
Australian share strategy.

Aims for above-benchmark returns

The Trust’s performance can be compared to
its market benchmark, the S&P/ASX 300 Total
Return Index.
To achieve above-benchmark returns (after
fees), the Trust is an actively managed
portfolio of companies listed (or expected to
be listed) on the Australian Securities
Exchange (and other regulated exchanges), and
is typically diversified across major listed
industry groups. It may have a small exposure
to companies listed outside of Australia from
time to time.

Experience and track record

The Trust is designed and managed using the
investment approach outlined in the Product
Guide. Our investment experts have been
successfully investing this way for decades,
helping clients achieve their investment goals.

Multi-manager approach

The Trust uses many specialist investment
managers to find some of the best
opportunities for investment.

Extensive diversification

The Trust is diversified across different
investment managers, industries and
companies to enhance returns and manage


TheTrust may be suited to you if:

  • you want to invest in an actively managed Australian share trust that’s diversified across investment managers, industries and companies
  • you want long-term growth in the value of your investment and some income
  • you understand that there can be very large fluctuations in income and the value of your investment.



Key Features

Investing with us

Our trusts have different investment objectives because we know everyone has different requirements about how their money
should be managed.

Our trusts make sophisticated investing
straightforward. Our investment experts use a market-leading
investment approach to structure our trusts with the aim of delivering more reliable returns in many potential market environments.

And, as their assessment of world markets changes, our trusts are evolved to capture new opportunities and manage new risks.
MLC Asset Management uses specialist investment managers in our trusts. They research hundreds of investment managers
from around the world and select the managers they believe are the best for our trusts. Investment managers may be specialist
in-house managers, external managers or a combination of both.
Importantly, we stay true to the objectives of our trusts, so you can keep on track to meeting your goals.


Keeping up to date

Recent information on the Trust is available on our Fund Profile Tool at mlcam.com.au/mlctrusts. It’s an easy to use, interactive tool that gives you insight into how your money is managed including where your money is invested, the investment managers and how your investments are performing


About the Trust

The Trust operates like most other managed investment schemes. Your money is pooled together with other investors’ money to buy investments which are managed on behalf of all investors. When you invest in a managed investment scheme, such as the Trust, you gain exposure to investments that you may not ordinarily have access to, if you invest on your own. When your money is paid into the Trust, you are issued with units and when money is paid out, your units are cancelled. The unit price will reflect, among other things, the performance of the underlying assets, which are in turn influenced by movements in investment markets. Our unit pricing philosophy is available at mlc.com.au. For more details on our policies relating to unit pricing please contact us. The Trust is part of a larger suite of wholesale trusts collectively known as the MLC Investment Trusts. The PDSs for other trusts in the suite are available at mlcam.com.au/mlctrusts/pds You should read the relevant PDS before making an investment decision in respect of these trusts. The Trust is governed by its constitution and is registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). ASIC takes no responsibility for this PDS or the operation of the Trust by MLC.


Applications and withdrawals

We have the discretion to accept or refuse any initial application or additional investment without explanation. You can request a partial or a full withdrawal to a nominated bank account at any time by sending a completed Application/Instruction Form by post or emailing a scanned copy to Registry Services. The Application/Instruction Form is available on request from us on 1300 738 355. Generally, withdrawal requests will be actioned by us promptly to enable us to make payments within 10 Business Days. Actioning of withdrawal requests and payment may be delayed, for example, if underlying assets need to be sold. In certain circumstances, such as when there are adverse market conditions, we may suspend withdrawals. We may also process requests in instalments over a period of time and may also suspend processing of requests we have already accepted. In certain circumstances we may refuse a withdrawal request. Where withdrawals are delayed, suspended or being paid in instalments, the unit prices used for a withdrawal will be those available on the day the withdrawal takes effect, rather than the day of the withdrawal request. In the unlikely event that the Trust is no longer liquid (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)), you may only withdraw your funds in accordance with any withdrawal offer that we make.


How we invest your money


The Trust invests primarily in companies listed (or expected to be listed) on the Australian Securities
Exchange (and other regulated exchanges), and is typically diversified across major listed industry groups.
It may have a small exposure to companies listed outside of Australia from time to time.


Assett allocation

  • 100% Australian shares