
Global X India Nifty 50 ETF

About this Fund

Fund Detail

PDS https://informedinvestor.com.au/view/pds/106840-2024-05-24-02:32.pdf
FUND MANAGER 628 037 856

The Index is a 50 stock float-adjusted market-capitalisation weighted index for India.

It is used for a variety of purposes, such as benchmarking fund portfolios, index based derivatives and index funds.
The Nifty 50 stocks represent approximately 65% of the total float-adjusted market capitalisation of the NSE. 


The Index is the flagship index on the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. (NSE).
The Index tracks the behaviour of a portfolio of blue chip companies, the largest and most liquid Indian securities. It includes 50 of the approximately 1600 companies listed on the NSE, captures approximately 65% of its float-adjusted market capitalisation and is a true reflection of the Indian stock market.

FUND SIZE NSE Nifty50 Index
FEES 0.69% p.a. of the NAV of the Fund



Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006: Enacted by the Australian Government in December
2006, the Anti-Money Laundering and CounterTerrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth) (“AML/CTF Act”) regulates financial services and transactions in a way that is designed to detect and prevent money laundering and terrorism financing. The AML/CTF Act is regulated by the Australian Transaction Reports and
Analysis Centre (“AUSTRAC”). Under the AML/CTF Act, the Responsible Entity (or its agent) is required:

• to verify the identity of Authorised Participants
before issuing Units to the Authorised Participant,
and to re-identify the Authorised Participant if it
considers it necessary to do so; and
• to keep a record of any identification
documentation for 7 years.


Identification of Authorised Participants:

By lodging a Creation Request, each Authorised
Participant confirms that it is a reporting entity under
the AML/CTF Act and undertakes to provide the
Responsible Entity with evidence of identity required
by the Responsible Entity pursuant to the AML/CTF
Act at any time upon request.

No Creation Request will be accepted by the
Responsible Entity unless such evidence of the
Authorised Participant’s identity satisfactory to the
Responsible Entity and its agents has been provided.
The Responsible Entity can accept or reject any
Creation Request in its discretion and is not liable for
any resulting loss.


Transaction Freezes:

Transactions may be delayed, blocked, frozen or
refused where the Responsible Entity has reasonable
grounds to believe that the transaction breaches
Australian law or sanctions or the law or sanctions of
any other country. Where transactions are delayed,
blocked, frozen or refused the Responsible Entity
is not liable for any loss you may suffer (including
consequential loss) as a result of its compliance with
the AML/CTF Act.


Reporting Obligations to AUSTRAC:

The Responsible Entity has certain reporting
obligations pursuant to the AML/CTF Act. The
legislation prevents the Responsible Entity from
informing you that any such reporting has taken place.
Where legally obliged to do so, the Responsible Entity
and its agents may disclose the information gathered
to regulatory and/or law enforcement agencies,
including AUSTRAC and to other bodies, if required
by law.


No cooling off period:

No cooling off period is provided in respect of
investments in a Fund.
Once lodged, a Creation Request or Redemption
Request is irrevocable except as required by law.



Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited has
given, and as at the date of this PDS not withdrawn
its consent to be named as Registrar in the form and
context in which it is named. Computershare Investor
Services Pty Limited has had no involvement in the
preparation of any part of this PDS other than being
named as Registrar. Computershare Investor Services
Pty Limited has not authorised, or caused the issue of
and expressly disclaims and takes no responsibility for
this PDS.

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
Limited., Sydney Branch (“HSBC”) has given, and as
at the date of this PDS not withdrawn, its consent to
be named as Custodian and Administrator in respect
of the Funds. This consent is given on the basis that
HSBC has not authorised or caused the issue of the
PDS and has not made any statement that is included
Product Disclosure Statement 49
in the PDS or any statement on which a statement
made in the PDS is based. HSBC expressly disclaims
and takes no responsibility for any statements in or
omissions in the PDS. This applies to the maximum
extent permitted by law and does not apply to any
matter to the extent to which the consent is given



Holders will receive the following regular reports:
• Confirmations of all of their own Creations or
Redemptions (issued following transactions and on
• Contract notes from their broker (issued following
all purchases or sales on the ASX).
• Taxation statements issued annually after 30
June, providing Holders with taxation information
including a summary of any Distributions.
• Annual report including audited financial
statements of the Funds in which they are
invested. These are available online at


Ongoing disclosure:

Where a Fund is a disclosing entity, the Responsible
Entity will comply with the continuous disclosure
requirements of the Act as if each Fund were an
unlisted disclosing entity on the basis of ASIC’s best
practice disclosure recommendations for continuous



While the Fund is Registered, if a Holder submits
to the Responsible Entity a complaint in relation to
the Fund or its operations, the Responsible Entity
must, if the Holder is a Retail Client, comply with the
requirements of section 912A(2) of the Corporations
Act applicable to the complaint.
Complaints may be lodged by writing to the
Responsible Entity at the address shown on the back
cover of this PDS. The Responsible Entity will always
acknowledge any complaint in writing and respond
within 30 calendar days.
If the complainant remains unhappy, the complaint
can then access an independent external dispute
resolution scheme



This product is intended for use as a minor, or satellite
allocation for a consumer who is seeking capital growth and
has a very high to extremely high risk and return profile for that
portion of their investment portfolio. It is likely to be consistent
with the financial situation and needs of a consumer with a 2
year investment timeframe and needs daily access to capital.



Key Features

Responsible Entity:

Global X Management (AUS) Limited is the Responsible Entity and trustee of each of the Funds and the issuer of this PDS.


Investment objective:

The investment objective of each Fund is to provide investors a return (before fees and
expenses) that tracks the performance of the relevant Index.
The specific investment objective of each Fund and further information about the
applicable Index is set out in the relevant Fund Supplement.


Investment type:

A unit trust managed investment scheme. Units in a Fund (“Units”) will be able to be traded on the AQUA market of the ASX. The issue of Units is covered by the Responsible
Entity’s Australian financial services licence.

Index tracking:

Each Fund will attempt to (before fees and expenses) fully replicate the performance of the relevant Index by investing its assets in a portfolio of securities that comprise the
Index in proportion to the weight assigned to each security within the Index.

Any changes in the composition of an Index, whether due to scheduled rebalancing or other unscheduled events (e.g. corporate actions), will generally be reflected in the portfolio of securities held by a Fund as soon as practically possible.

In certain circumstances, it may not be possible or practical for the Responsible Entity to exactly replicate the Index. For example, trading in particular securities may be suspended. In other circumstances the exact replication of the Index may be impractical or excessively costly, for example where the Index comprises a large number of securities that are assigned small weights.

To assist investors, each Fund's full portfolio holdings will be published on a daily basis on www.globalxetfs.com.au at the same time that Authorised Participants and market makers
are provided with portfolio composition files.

Each Fund may hold derivative contracts from time to time, such as exchange traded options written on the Index or its constituent securities, and other investments that do not
comprise the Index, but help to achieve the investment objectives of that Fund, provided that such other investments satisfy the requirements of the AQUA Rules.

These other investments that do not comprise the index may include for example:
• cash or short term deposits;
• related securities such as tradable rights resulting from corporate actions undertaken
by Index constituents;
• depository receipts or other securities that may be substituted for Index constituents
that are impractical or costly to trade; and
• futures, options, swaps or other ETFs with similar exposures to the Index that may help
minimise deviations from the Index, where appropriate.
These are expected to be used in limited circumstances.
Cash balances may also be held in each Fund from time to time.
As at the date of this PDS, it is not the intention of the Responsible Entity that any of the Funds will engage in securities lending over its assets. 


Net Asset Value (NAV):

The Net Asset Value for each Fund shall be determined by the Responsible Entity at the Valuation Time on each Dealing Day (or at such other time as the Responsible Entity may
determine) by valuing the assets of the relevant Fund and deducting the Liabilities of the relevant Fund (including, without limitation, management costs). Please refer to Section 7
(Valuation and Unit Pricing) for more detail.


Trading in Units of the Fund:

As at the date of this document, units in the Funds are quoted for trading on the AQUA Market of the ASX under the AQUA Rules, except for the Global X US 100 ETF, as an application has been made for Units in the Fund to be quoted for trading on the ASX .

Creation Requests and Redemption Requests made directly to a Fund may generally only be made by Authorised Participants.



The offer of Units in the Funds under this PDS is made to Authorised Participants only and only Authorised Participants may apply to the Funds for Units.

Creation Requests for Units may be submitted on any Dealing Day during the term of this PDS. Creation Requests will be settled by the Authorised Participants delivering either the
Portfolio Deposit to the Responsible Entity (representing the securities comprised in the Index) or cash.

Authorised Participants may submit Creation Requests in respect of whole multiples of creation Units. In respect of a particular Fund, the Creation Unit is a number of Units of that Fund as set out in the applicable Fund Supplement.

The Responsible Entity may reject any Creation Request in its discretion.



Generally, only Authorised Participants may submit Redemption Requests in respect of some or all of their holdings in a Fund.
Redemption Requests will be settled by the Authorised Participant delivering the relevant Units in return for delivery by the relevant Fund of (i) a combination of a specified basket
of securities (representing the securities comprised in the Index) and cash; or (ii) cash. Please refer to Section 6 (Trading of Units) for more detail.



To the extent that there is any income received by a Fund, it is expected that it will be distributed to Holders as set out in the relevant Fund Supplement. There is no guarantee that a Fund will make any distributions.

Holders can choose to have their distributions paid directly into a nominated bank account in cash (via electronic funds transfer) or participate in the Distribution Reinvestment Plan.

Further information in respect of distributions is set out in Section 9 (Distributions) of
this PDS.


Distribution Reinvestment Plan:

A Distribution Reinvestment Plan is available to eligible Holders. Participation in the Distribution Reinvestment Plan is subject to the rules of the Distribution Reinvestment Plan policy document available from the Responsible Entity’s website

Pursuant to the Distribution Reinvestment Plan all distributions
made to a Holder in respect of a Fund are reinvested in additional Units in the same Fund. Partial reinvestment will not be available. 




The Nifty 50 stocks represent approximately 65% of the total float-adjusted market
capitalisation of the NSE.

To be eligible for inclusion in the Index, a stock must:

a. be domiciled in India;

b. be listed on the NSE;

c. be a constituent of the Nifty 100 Index index;

d. be available for trading in the NSE’s Futures & Options segment;

e. meet certain liquidity constraints;

f. have an average free-float market capitalisation of at least 1.5 times the average free-float market capitalisation of the smallest constituent in the Index over a six month period (or three months for newly listed companies); 

g. have traded on 100% of days over the prior six months (or three months for newly listed companies).

The Index is computed using a float-adjusted, market capitalisation weighted methodology, wherein the level of the index reflects the total market value of all of the stocks in the Index. The methodology also takes into account constituent
changes in the Index and corporate actions such as stock splits, rights issuance, etc.

Investors should review the Index Methodology on the NSE website prior to making
an investment.