
InvestSense Diversified Portfolio 5 - Netwealth

About this Fund

Fund Detail

PDS https://informedinvestor.com.au/view/pds/106824-2024-05-11-02:30.pdf
ASX Code

InvestSense believes that prevailing market valuations tend
to be indicative of final outcomes over long-time periods.
By undertaking a forward-looking view of expected returns
and implied risks, InvestSense aims to understand if the
market is sufficiently rewarding investors for the risks they
are undertaking across different asset class.


InvestSense is a portfolio construction and investment
consulting company. The partners at InvestSense have
had extensive experience in financial markets across institutional and retail investment consulting, portfolio management and investment research. InvestSense balances
state of the art portfolio management technology with the
investment needs of individuals. In practice this means
using the transparency afforded by managed account
platforms to monitor and manage risk in minute detail
while retaining a high level focus on meeting the objectives
of the underlying investor

FEES 0.33% pa



Access: By investing in the Managed Account through your platform account, investments in your managed account are reviewed and rebalanced by reference to the models set by your chosen Model Managers. This can contribute to investment performance as your investments are reviewed and management decisions utilise the skills of the relevant Model Manager.

Control: We offer a choice of Model Managers and models, covering a spread of investment strategies and asset types, that gives you the opportunity to select a particular investment strategy that you decide is appropriate for you. By norinating investment preferences, you can also customise your managed account by placing certain restrictions on certain investments to be held in your managed account. You may also be able to change madels or withdraw from the Managed Account without having to sell all the underlying investments


Confidence: You can see exactly where your maney is invested, how each investment contributes to your investment performance and what investment decisions have been implemented on your behalf.

Convinience: You can see exactly where your money is invested, how each investment contributes to your investment performance and what investment decisions have been implemented on your behalf. You can manage your managed account and choice of models through the one platform account which is accessible online. This provides you or your adviser with information about all your investments in one place and saves you time when managing your investments.


Cost Efficiency: You can transfer compatible investments in your platform accountinto your managed aocount, which may reduce the need to trade investments, and you may be able to transfer investments out of your managed account into your platform account without having to sell them. This can help reduce trading costs, stamp duty and tax. IF you decide to change models, only those investrents that are different or have different weightings need to be traded. This has the potential to reduce trading costs and tax when you switch between models. Your investments are only traded in your managed account when necessary. If one at your Model Managers is buying a particular investment and another is selling the same investment at the same time, then these trades are netted off, saving you unnecessary transactions and expenses.


Tax Efficiency: In addition to the potential tax efficiencies when you change investment strategies, as described above, there are potential benefits because the tax you pay is directly related to the income and realised capital gains from your investments. Unlike managed funds, your tax position is not affected by previous transactions made by the fund manager, which can lead to accumulated tax liabilities in the managed fund, or the need for the managed fund to sell investments and realise gains due to other investors leaving the managed fund.


Investors who:
• seek a high return above inflation but with a very high
tolerance for risk and are therefore willing to accept a
very high degree of volatility in their portfolio in order
to achieve their long-term objective;
• seek a portfolio diversified across a range of different
asset classes; and
• want a portfolio where the asset allocation is actively
managed based on changes in market valuations.



Key Features

Investment Management: We acquire, hold and rebalance the investments in your managed account in accordance with the advice provided to us by the Model Manager of your chosen model(s) and your personal investment preferences.


Choice of Models: You can choose from a broad range of models to suit your personal needs, objectives and circumstances. There are over 100 different models available. Additional models may be available to clients of certain financial advisers.

Choice of model managers: Each model has a Model Manager who is appointed by us. The Model Manager determines the investments to be held in the model based on their investment strategy and process. There are over 20 different Model Managers available. Additional Model Managers may be available to clients of certain financial advisers. The Model Managers we have appointed include some well-known domestic and global financial institutions, boutique fund managers, specialist model managers, research consultants and financial advice groups. In some cases we may act as the Model Manager. The Model Manager for each model is identified and described in the relevant Managed Models Booklet We monitor and supervise the performance of the Model Managers.


Choice of investment types: The models may include a range of investments. Each model has a specified asset allocation range and an allowable investment universe. Investments may include growth assets including Australian and international equities, property, infrastructure and alternatives, and/or defensive assets, including fixed interest investments and cash. The investment universe for a model may include listed securities (including exchange traded funds and listed investment companies) and/or managed funds.

Investment Strategies: Each model has an investment strategy implemented by the Model Manager. Some models invest in a single asset class such as Australian or international equities. Other models are diversified, investing across a broad range of asset classes. Strategies include index based investment strategies and active investment strategies and various approaches to investment selection.

Investment Objectives: Each model has an investment objective. Generally the objectives will be to achieve capital growth over the medium to long term. Some models may also consider the generation of income. The objectives may include outperformance of certain market indices or other benchmarks such as the Reserve Bank of Australia's Official Cash Rate or the Consumer Price Index.


Asset class/minimum/netural/maximum: