
InvestSense Diversified Portfolio 4 - HUB24

About this Fund

Fund Detail

PDS https://informedinvestor.com.au/view/pds/106819-2024-05-09-02:31.pdf
ASX Code

InvestSense believes that prevailing market valuations tend
to be indicative of final outcomes over long-time periods.
By undertaking a forward-looking view of expected returns
and implied risks, InvestSense aims to understand if the
market is sufficiently rewarding investors for the risks they
are undertaking across different asset class.


InvestSense is a portfolio construction and investment
consulting company. The partners at InvestSense have
had extensive experience in financial markets across institutional and retail investment consulting, portfolio management and investment research.

FEES 0.3075%



Professional investment advice: You have access to the professional investment management advice of a range of Portfolio Managers. Each Managed Portfolio option is monitored and advised on by the Portfolio Manager, who has been selected by HUB24.

Choice and diversification: Select a Managed Portfolio option or Managed Portfolio options to best suit your investment objective,
level of risk and your needs. You can choose from a range of Managed Portfolio options, which are diversified across their investment strategy. The more diversified the option, the less exposed you may be to the performance of any single investment holding. Refer to Section 3 of the Managed Portfolios Booklet for more information on the Managed Portfolio options.

Transparency: You and your financial adviser can view all investments, transactions and fees securely online, allowing
you to see exactly what assets are in your Portfolios and to track changes to your Portfolios in your
Platform Account.

Investment preferences: You can tailor a Managed Portfolio option by setting investment preferences for your Portfolios. This will allow you to exclude particular investments (either a single investment or multiple investments) from your Portfolios even if the investment(s) are part of the notional portfolio of the Managed Portfolio option(s) you have chosen.

- You can generally substitute any excluded investment(s) with one of the following: an increased Cash Allocation; 

- spread the allocation that would otherwise have been made to the excluded investment proportionally
across other investments in the Managed Portfolio option;

- with an alternative investment that is available through your Platform Product

Segregated tax position for HUB24 Invest investors: If you invest through HUB24 Invest, you are not impacted from a tax perspective should others invest or withdraw from the HUB24 Managed Portfolio Service or move from one Managed Portfolio option to another. This is different from a typical managed fund where what happens in the fund with respect to other investors (e.g. withdrawal) can affect you.

Where you invest through HUB24 Invest, you may have additional benefits associated with being the ultimate beneficial owner of the investments and assets held in your Portfolios. This means all income and any realised gains and losses flow directly to you. Franking credits may also flow to investors if certain
conditions are satisfied. The tax position for investing through HUB24 Super is different to that for HUB24 Invest. Refer to Section 8 of this document for more information on taxation


Ability to switch between Managed Portfolios and
transfer back to your Platform Account: You may be able to transfer investments between your Portfolios and your Platform Account in the relevant Platform Product without it resulting in a capital gains tax event. 

Switching between Managed Portfolio options is available provided that the value of your assets in your relevant Portfolio(s) meets any initial investment amount. Where common holdings exist, these holdings can be transferred, rather than selling and re-purchasing them, avoiding unnecessary realisation of capital gains or losses. This can compare favourably with conventional managed funds which you can only fund with cash and must sell when withdrawing or switching between managed funds, with potentially unfavourable tax consequences.
Refer to Section 7 of this document for more information on switching between Managed Portfolio options and refer to Section 8 of this document for more information on taxation.


Simple and efficient administration: Your Portfolios are administered on your behalf, including the receipt of any income (including income reinvestment), corporate actions, and reporting.



Investors who:
• seek a high return above inflation but with a high
` tolerance for risk and are therefore willing to accept
a high degree of volatility in their portfolio in order to
achieve their long-term objective;
• seek a portfolio diversified across a range of different
asset classes; and
• want a portfolio where the asset allocation is actively
managed based on changes in market valuations



Key Features

Establish your Platform Account in a Platform Product: You can only invest in the HUB24 Managed Portfolio Service through a Platform Product once you have established a Platform Account.
1. Establish your Platform Account in a Platform Product The disclosure documents for the relevant Platform Products include important information about the Platform Product and how your Platform Account works, the fees and other costs charged in your Platform Account when you invest in the HUB24 Managed Portfolio Service and the risks associated with any investments you hold in your Platform Account. For more information on setting up a Platform Account, please refer to the relevant Platform Product
disclosure document which is available from your financial adviser.


Select your Managed Portfolio option(s): Information on the Managed Portfolio options available to you through the HUB24 Managed Portfolio Service is set out in the Managed Portfolios Booklet(s).

Your financial adviser can help you determine which Managed Portfolio option(s) may meet your needs.
The recommended minimum initial investment amount (if any) may vary by Managed Portfolio option and
is outlined in the relevant Managed Portfolios Booklet.


Make your initial investment: Your initial investment into the HUB24 Managed Portfolio Service can be made on your behalf by your inancial adviser through the relevant Platform Product and your Platform Account by:

 - using the available cash from your Platform Cash Account;

 - transferring assets into the HUB24 Managed Portfolio Service that will form part of your chosen Managed Portfolio option;

 - a combination of the above.

A new Portfolio is established for you for each Managed Portfolio option you select and for each Sub-portfolio in a Managed Portfolio option you select (where applicable).

Depending on the cash and/or assets you have transferred and the Asset Targets of your selected Managed Portfolio option(s), we may need to rebalance or reallocate your Portfolio and this may involve selling down some or all of the assets transferred.
For more information on tax and government duty consequences that may arise if you transfer assets into
your Portfolio, refer to ‘Transferring assets into your Portfolio’ in Section 7 ‘How the HUB24 Managed portfolio Service works’ of this PDS.


Monitoring your Portfolio(s): You can view and track the assets in your Portfolios through your Platform Account online at
www.hub24.com.au or via the mobile app.

This includes any transactions that occur as a result of a rebalance process or a reallocation process.

For more information on monitoring your Portfolios and the rebalancing process and the reallocation process, refer to Section 7 ‘How the Managed Portfolio Service works’ of this PDS.




Asset Allocation: 

InvestSense believes that prevailing market valuations tend to be indicative of final outcomes over long-time periods. By undertaking a forward-looking view of expected
returns and implied risks, InvestSense aims to understand if the market is sufficiently rewarding investors for the risks they are undertaking across different asset class.

The portfolio does not have a pre-defined asset allocation, instead InvestSense employs an objective based approach which aims to determine the appropriate mix of asset
classes that is likely to achieve the stated objective while minimising the level of risk. As investment markets fluctuate and therefore expected returns change, InvestSense alters
the asset allocation accordingly.

Asset Allocation / Minimum / Maxium / Expected long term average target:

Australian shares: 0% 70% 38%
International shares: 0% 70% 36%
Property & infrastructure: 0% 40% 11%
Fixed interest: 0% 40% 10%
Cash: 0% 40% 5%
Alternatives: 0% 30% 0%