
Elston Growth 85

About this Fund

Fund Detail

PDS https://informedinvestor.com.au/view/pds/106786-2024-07-25-02:32.pdf
FUND MANAGER Macquarie Investment Management Australia
ASX Code



The Elston Growth 85 Model Portfolio is an actively managed diversified portfolio of securities across both growth asset classes such as Australian equities, property and global securities; and defensive oriented asset classes, such as cash and fixed interest securities.

BENCHMARK Composite Benchmark
FUND SIZE Composite Benchmark
FEES 0.462%




Transparency: View all investments, transactions and fees securely online, allowing you and your adviser to see exactly what you own and track changes in your Portfolio(s).


Portability: Where permitted, transfer securities (held in the same name) into and out of your SMA Account without it resulting in a capital gains tax event.


Segregated tax position from other investors: To the extent that your Portfolio holds direct equities, your tax position is not affected by the decisions of other investors within the SMA.


Professional investment management: You are relieved of the day to day decision making responsibilities associated with managing an investment portfolio.


Diversification: The more diversified the SMA Model Portfolio, the less risk of the investor being over-exposed to the performance of any single investment holding.


Hassle free ownership: We look after all of the administration of your Portfolios, including tax record keeping, receipt of dividends, mail, corporate actions, and reporting.


Customisations: Ability to restrict certain securities or sectors from being included in your SMA Account.


SMSFs: Suitable investment solution for self managed super funds.


Income election: Elect to have any dividends, distributions, other corporate action proceeds and interest from the SMA transferred to your Platform Account to facilitate any regular withdrawal plans. Refer to your Eligible Platform provider for further details.

Automatic cash management: Manage the cash balance in your Platform Account through automated buying and selling of the SMA Model Portfolios. Refer to your Eligible Platform provider for further details.


Disclosing entity: The SMA is a disclosing entity and is subject to regular reporting and disclosure obligations under
the Corporations Act. Copies of documents lodged with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to meet these obligations may be obtained from, or inspected at, an ASIC office. You also have the right to request a copy of these documents from MISL when they become available, and MISL must send you a copy (free of charge) as soon as is practicable. The documents are:

  •  the annual financial report most recently lodged with ASIC
  • any half yearly report for the SMA lodged with ASIC after the lodgement of the last annual report
    and before the date of the request, or
  • any continuous disclosure notices given by MISL as responsible entity for the SMA after
    lodgement of the last annual report and before the date of the request.



The Elston Growth 85 Model Portfolio is designed for investors seeking long term capital growth above inflation, tax effective income growth and a non-index weighted portfolio construction process.



Key Features

Key Features

Beneficial ownership: The most significant feature of the SMA is the beneficial ownership of the investments held in your SMA Account. This feature facilitates the transfer in and out of securities, and where applicable the tax transparency of all the
securities held in each SMA Model Portfolio, your own
tax cost position and direct flow through of all income.
As an indirect investor, you should consult the offer
documents provided by your Eligible Platform provider to
determine whether beneficial ownership of SMA Account
investments is affected by investing in the SMA through
the Eligible Platform. 


Custody: MISL has appointed Bond Street Custodians Limited
ABN 57 008 607 065 AFSL 237489 (BSCL) as custodian
to hold in custody all the assets within the SMA. MISL may
change SMA custodians from time to time.
The cash holdings within your SMA Account are paid into
accounts held in the name of the custodian. The accounts
opened by Australian custodians are trust accounts
operated in accordance with the Client Money Rules as set
out in the Corporations Act (Trust Accounts). Your cash
holdings may be pooled in the Trust Accounts with the
cash holdings of other investors.


Choice of SMA Model Portfolio: You can choose one SMA Model Portfolio or a combination of SMA Model Portfolios. The SMA offers a selection of investment styles provided by a range of Investment Managers, allowing you to tailor your choice of
SMA Model Portfolios to suit your investment needs.


Reporting: Online reporting will be available through your Eligible Platform provider, who will also provide you with
quarterly reports.

Tax reports: After the end of a tax year you will be provided details of any assessable income, capital gains, tax credits and
any other relevant items to include in your tax return, in
accordance with the assumptions set out in Section 7 of
this Information Booklet. This will be provided to you by
your Eligible Platform provider. If you close your SMA Account, you will be provided your annual tax report after the end of the tax year in which your SMA Account is closed. 


Tax accounting method: The tax accounting method used within each Portfolio to calculate capital gains or losses will ordinarily be First in First Out (FIFO). This means the first parcel of an asset purchased is treated as being sold first. We may, acting reasonably, change the capital gains treatment at our
discretion and give you notice as required by law.


Constitution: The relationship between MISL and direct investors is governed by the PDS, the SMA constitution
(Constitution), the Corporations Act and other laws.
The Constitution details direct investors’ rights in relation
to investments in the SMA. As you are an indirect investor,
only your Eligible Platform provider may exercise the
rights set out in the Constitution.
Generally the Constitution:

  • sets out rights to absolute and beneficial entitlement to
    the assets (including income) in an SMA Account
  • defines rights to withdraw from the SMA, and what a
    direct investor is entitled to receive when withdrawing
    from the SMA
  • defines when the SMA may be wound up and what
    direct investors are entitled to receive on winding up
  • states that the direct investor’s liability is generally
    limited to the relevant SMA Account
  • states the quorum required for meetings of the SMA.
    Direct investor’s rights to requisition, attend and vote
    at meetings are mainly contained in the Corporations
  • contains procedures for how complaints from direct
    investors are dealt with.





Asset Allocation


Australian equities: 35% to 65%

International equities: 10% to 40%

Property: 0% to 20%

Global infrastructure: 0% to 20%

Alternatives: 0% to 15%

Australian fixed interest: 0% to 20%

International fixed interest: 0% to 20%

Cash: 1% to 20%