
Elston Growth 50

About this Fund

Fund Detail

PDS https://informedinvestor.com.au/view/pds/106777-2024-08-10-02:31.pdf
FUND MANAGER Elston Asset Management
ASX Code

A managed portfolio is a notional portfolio of assets that is
managed according to a particular investment objective. When
you invest in the Scheme and select a particular managed
portfolio, your Portfolio is established, and actual assets are
acquired in proportions that match (as closely as practicable)
the composition and asset allocation of the managed portfolio.
The performance and asset allocation of your Portfolio may differ
from the notional performance and asset allocation of the
managed portfolio you have selected. Not all investorswho have
selected the same managed portfolio will hold the same assets
or the same weights in those assets in their respective Portfolio.


Aims to outperform the benchmark over rolling four-year periods.

BENCHMARK Morningstar Australia Balanced Target Allocation NR AUD
FUND SIZE Morningstar Australia Balanced Target Allocation NR AUD
FEES Estimated 0.24% p.a. to 1.21% p.a. depending on the managed portfolio selected




Expertise: The managed portfolios in this PDS are managed by various investment managers we have engaged to design, monitor, and make changes to their respective series of managed portfolios in line with the stated investment objectives.


Choice: You can select from the range of managed portfolios based on what you determine to be your financial goals and tolerance to risk.

MyNorth Managed Portfolios allows you to choose a managed
portfolio with underlying assets of managed funds, Australian
equities, listed products and cash.

You can choose from a wide range of investment managers
across diversified and single sector portfolios based on your
individual investment objectives and needs.

Refer to the managed portfolio menu in Part 2 of this PDS.
When you invest in equities and listed products through a
managed portfolio, these assets are held to be directly referable
to you and as such you have more direct access to franking credits and capital losses than you would through managed funds. Further, you do not inherit ‘embedded’ capital gains (as can be the case with pooled investment vehicles such as managed funds) and your gain or loss position in relation to the equities and listed products held in your Portfolio is not impacted by the actions of other investors as your shares are bought specifically for you when you invest your money.
You also have the ability to offset realised capital losses against
realised capital gains from assets that you hold outside of the


Flexibility to switch, withdraw and transfer: You can switch between your chosen managed portfolios or invest in a new managed portfolio at any time. You can also transfer certain equities and other investments into and out of your managed portfoliowithouttriggering a change in beneficial ownership and unnecessary realisation of capital gains (see Transferring assets in and out of your Portfolio on page 11 for further information).

RISK LEVEL Medium to High



Key Features

Key Features


Investment choices: Benefit from professional investment management by choosing a managed portfolio to suit your needs.

Investment preferences: You can choose to customise your Portfolio by providing an income payment election, where you can electthatincome from your Portfolio is retained and reinvested in your Portfolio or paid outto your Platform cash account. This election will override all default income payment settings for any managed portfolio, as set out in Part 2 of this PDS. This feature will be available during November 2023.

Platform cash account: Will be used to pay investment management fees, investment performance fees and expenses.

Managed portfolio cash account: An allocation of cash in your Portfolio for the purpose of settling most transactions in your Portfolio.

Initial investment balance: The minimum amount required to invest in each portfolio

In-specie transfers: You can also transfer certain equities and other investments into and out of your Portfolio without triggering any capital gains tax consequences (provided the beneficial ownership remains the same).

Reporting and communications: You and your financial adviser can review the performance, asset allocation, holdings and transactions of your Portfolio on North Online

Rebalancing and review

– We will regularly monitor investment instructions received from
the relevant investment manager and rebalance your Portfolio to
implement these.
– You can instruct your financial adviser to make additional
investments and withdrawals at any time.

Beneficial ownership: You have an absolute entitlement to the beneficial interest in the equities, units and other investments you hold through the Scheme.

Capital gains tax accounting method:  We apply the First In First Out (FIFO) capital gains tax accounting approach

Fees and costs: Competitive fees and costs


Asset Allocation


Growth assets: 

Australian equities: 13 - 43%
International equities: 0 - 27%
Listed property/infrastructure: 0 - 25%
Alternatives: 0 - 15%

Defensive assets:

Australian fixed interest: 5 - 35%
International fixed interest 3 - 33%
Cash 1 - 27%