
ClearView WealthFoundations - Assertive 70 (Super)

About this Fund

Fund Detail

PDS https://informedinvestor.com.au/view/pds/106516-2022-08-09-02:21.pdf
FUND MANAGER ClearView Financial Management
ASX Code
INVESTMENT STYLE The option invests in a mix of defensive and growth assets.
INVESTMENT PROFILE The option seeks to achieve a high level of growth over the long term.
BENCHMARK CPI + 4% p.a. over rolling 7-year periods (before fees & taxes)
FUND SIZE CPI + 4% p.a. over rolling 7-year periods (before fees & taxes)
FEES 1.15% p.a.


  • Peace of Mind
    The Foundation Assurance Benefit helps guard against market surprises if you die at any age or become totally and irreversibly unable to perform certain Activities of Daily Living prior to age 65.
  • Guaranteed Cash provides security of capital without locking your money away.
  • Choose who receives your account balance by nominating one or more beneficiaries or your estate to receive your account balance in the event of your death.
  • An opportunity to access insurance cover with insurance premiums funded from your WealthFoundations account via
  • Invest to match your stage of life with the LifeStages Strategy where we adjust your investment profile over time as you get older. 
  • Efficient
    Online access to your account through the ClearView Portal 24/7 You can check your balance, contributions and payments, update your details and more. If you have an adviser, your adviser will also be able to manage your account online.
  • Straightforward fees We offer a simple fee structure where all fees (buy-sell spreads, administration and investment fees) are included in the unit price of each underlying investment option.
  • Lower fees for eligible accounts and family groups may apply if your account or all eligible accounts in your family group have a combined daily balance over $250,000.
  • Monthly rebalancing which automatically brings your account balance back in line with your original investment allocation (Investment Pool), this adjusts for any market movements during the month.
  • Smart allocation is designed to minimise unnecessary trades at the next monthly rebalance by investing any new contributions into the underlying investment options which are under weight to their target investment allocation first, then proportionally across the rest of your Investment Pool.
  • Transfer your Kiwisaver into WealthFoundations to keep your super savings in one place.
  • It is easy to make additional contributions into your account as there are no minimum contribution amounts and you can contribute on an ad-hoc or regular basis, including personal
    and SG contributions. 
  • Transact over the phone (TeleAccess) allows you to easily make additional investments, partial withdrawals (subject to meeting a condition of release), or switch your investment options.
  • Choice
    Professionally managed investment options are available across the full range of investor risk profiles and include diversified,   asset class specific, active or index options.
  • Blending to create your ideal portfolio You have the flexibility to blend up to 10 different investment options across a range of risk profiles, investment styles and fees to create your ideal fee structure and investment portfolio.
  • Adviser Service Fee flexibility We offer flexible options to pay any Adviser Service Fees that you agree with your adviser. 
  • Transparent
    See how your super is invested within your chosen IPS Strategy. We allocate a proportion of your account to underlying investment options which you can see online, on your annual
    Member Benefit Statement.
RISK LEVEL Medium to high

For investors who desire the potential for higher returns and are comfortable with higher risks



Key Features

ClearView is an ASX-listed financial services company. We partner with financial advisers to help everyday Australians achieve their financial and wellbeing goals by protecting and growing their wealth. 

Proudly Australian and non-bank owned, we are focused on two business segments: Life Insurance and Wealth Management. Within WealthFoundations you have the ability to select a super, pension or Transition to Retirement (TTR) account, or a combination of these. A WealthFoundations Super account lets Pension account, which includes the option of a TTR pension,
then allows you to generate an income stream to fund your retirement lifestyle.

WealthFoundations is designed to be operated on your behalf by your nominated financial adviser, so applications will generally only be accepted via a financial adviser



How we invest your money

We offer a range of five diversified investment options which invest into multiple asset classes including cash, fixed interest, property, Australian and international shares, emerging markets, listed infrastructure and alternative investments.

We also offer two cash options, a Guaranteed Cash Investment Option and a Pre-Retirement Service Investment Option (which allows you to consolidate your contributions and rollovers prior to investing in the ClearView Pension Plan).

International fixed interest, international listed property and international listed infrastructure will generally be hedged. International equities and emerging market equities will generally be unhedged. ClearView Life may adjust hedging ratios (ie the proportion of asset value hedged to unhedged) from time-to-time.

Target (and range) for assets:

Growth 70%, Defensive 30%