
Janus Henderson Global Multi-Strategy Fund - Retail Class

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About this Fund

Fund Detail

PDS https://informedinvestor.com.au/view/pds/104319-2023-09-30-02:33.pdf
FUND MANAGER Henderson Management S.A.
ASX Code

The Fund primarily gains its investment exposure by investing into an Australian dollar denominated class of shares of the Janus Henderson Fund – Global Multi-Strategy Fund.


A typical investor will invest into this Fund to seek an absolute return through global markets and specifically through a global multi-strategy fund.

BENCHMARK Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index
FUND SIZE Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index
FEES 0.90% p.a.



A typical investor will invest into this Fund to seek an absolute return through global markets and specifically through a global multi-strategy fund. Investors should ensure they have an informed understanding of the strategies and techniques employed by the Investment Manager, the risks of the Fund and that the synthetic risk indicator of the Fund is compatible with their own risk tolerance. Investors in the Fund should plan to invest their money for at least 3-5 years. 

RISK LEVEL Very high

The Fund is not compatible for investors who cannot tolerate any loss of capital. 



Key Features

The Fund seeks to achieve a positive (absolute) return, regardless of market conditions, and to outperform the Benchmark by 7% p.a. (before fees) over rolling three year periods. 


Both the Fund and the Underlying Fund will not enter into borrowing arrangements for investment purposes, other than temporary overdrafts which may be used to manage certain cash flows. However, the Underlying Fund will employ leverage as part of its investment strategy when using derivatives and therefore the Fund will gain leveraged exposure through its investment in the Underlying Fund. Derivatives may contain a leverage component and consequently any adverse changes in the value or level of the underlying asset, rate or index can result in a loss greater than the cost of the derivative itself. 

Management costs
Management costs comprise of the fees and costs that a unitholder incurs by investing in the Fund rather than investing directly in the underlying assets. Management costs are payable from the Fund's assets and are not paid directly from your investment. As at the date of this PDS, management costs of the Fund comprise of a management fee, a performance fee and indirect costs.

Restrictions on withdrawals for the Fund
The Responsible Entity may, in accordance with the Constitution and the Corporations Act, suspend withdrawals for up to 180 days when the Responsible Entity believes it is in the best interests of unitholders as a whole.


The Investment Manager adopts a multi-strategy approach, utilising a diverse range of investment styles,techniques, assets, company sizes, time horizons and markets with the aim of providing a positive return. The approach aims to generate returns from both bottom-up and top-down sources, using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The co-leadportfolio managers and strategy managers collectively form the Diversified Alternatives Team of the Investment Manager, with the team responsible for investing a single pool of capital across a complementary set of investment strategies. The topdown source sees the co-lead portfolio managers working together with the strategy managers to determine target position sizing for each trade within each strategy, based on their investment views and the opportunity set provided by the strategy managers. The co-lead portfolio managers will also monitor potential tail risks within the strategies and use a portfolio protection strategy