
Magellan Core Infrastructure Fund (Managed Fund)

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About this Fund

Fund Detail

PDS https://informedinvestor.com.au/view/pds/104317-2024-01-19-02:36.pdf
FUND MANAGER Magellan Asset Management

The Fund will primarily invest in securities of infrastructure companies listed on stock exchanges around the world. 


The Fund seeks to achieve attractive risk-adjusted returns over the medium to long term through investment in a diversified exposure to infrastructure securities as per the Investment Manager’s definition.

BENCHMARK S&P Global Infrastructure Index A$ Hedged Net Total Return
FUND SIZE S&P Global Infrastructure Index A$ Hedged Net Total Return
FEES 0.50% p.a.



Significant benefits

Investing in the Fund offers investors a range of benefits, including:

  • access to the Investment Manager’s investment expertise and a professionally managed global equity portfolio;
  • access to attractive listed global infrastructure investment opportunities;
  • hedging of foreign currency exposure; and
  • participation in any capital appreciation and income distributions of the Fund.

Application has been made to the Securities Exchange Operator to admit units in the Fund to quotation on the Securities Exchange. Once admitted to quotation on the Securities Exchange, units in the Fund will be able to be traded on the Securities Exchange like any listed security.


An investment in the Fund may suit investors who are seeking a medium to long-term investment exposure to international equities. 



Key Features

Significant features

The Fund’s investment universe is any entity listed on a global stock exchange whose primary business is the ownership and operation of infrastructure assets. The Fund’s primary investment objective is to achieve attractive risk-adjusted returns over the medium to long term through investment in a diversified portfolio of high quality companies that meets the Investment Manager’s definition of infrastructure.

The Investment Manager will invest in companies that generate the dominant part of their earnings from the ownership of infrastructure assets. The Fund will comprise 70-100 investments. The weighting of securities in the Fund will be primarily determined on the basis of market capitalisation adjusted for the number of shares readily available in the market, except where the Investment Manager believes an alternate basis is appropriate. However, a number of constraints will be applied to ensure that the Fund is diversified by security, infrastructure sector and geography. The intention of the Investment Manager is that the foreign currency exposure of the Fund will be hedged.

The Fund will be rebalanced on a monthly basis, or on such other basis determined by the Investment Manager. 


How we invest your money

The Fund’s assets are typically invested within the following asset allocation ranges:

(Asset Class: Investment Range)

  • Global listed securities: 95% - 100%
  • Cash and cash equivalents: 0% - 5%

The Fund’s investment universe is any entity listed on a global stock exchange whose primary business is the ownership and operation of infrastructure assets. The Fund’s primary investment objective is to achieve attractive risk-adjusted returns over the medium to long term through investment in a diversified portfolio of high quality companies that meets the Investment Manager’s definition of infrastructure.

The Investment Manager will invest in companies that generate the dominant part of their earnings from the ownership of infrastructure assets. The Fund will comprise 70-100 investments. The weighting of securities in the Fund will be primarily determined on the basis of market capitalisation adjusted for the number of shares readily available in the market, except where the Investment Manager believes an alternate basis is appropriate. However, a number of constraints will be applied to ensure that the Fund is diversified by security, infrastructure sector and geography.

The intention of the Investment Manager is that the foreign currency exposure of the Fund will be hedged.

The Fund will be rebalanced on a monthly basis, or on such other basis determined by the Investment Manager. 

The Fund can use foreign exchange contracts to facilitate settlement of stock purchases and to mitigate currency risk on specific investments within the portfolio.