
Aware Super

About this Fund

Fund Detail

PDS https://informedinvestor.com.au/view/pds/104296-2024-03-03-03:17.pdf
ASX Code
APIR (USI) 53 226 460 365 001

Your super. Your choice.
If you want to custom build your investment strategy, we offer you a choice of twelve investment options, including five diversified options and seven single asset class options. You can choose to invest in one option or a combination and can switch your money to another investment option at any time without paying any fees.


Diversified investment options
These options invest your super across different asset classes, investment styles, and managers. The percentage allocated to each asset class varies, which means each diversified investment option has a different risk/return profile.
The diversified options are:
• High Growth
• Growth
• Diversified Socially Responsible Investment (SRI)
• Balanced Growth
• Conservative Growth

Each diversified option has a target asset allocation, known as the strategic asset allocation, as well as asset allocation ranges, which are the minimum and maximum amounts we can invest in each asset class.

Single asset class investment options
These options are invested in one asset class only, so you can have a greater degree of control over your investment mix. 

The single asset class options are:
• Australian Equities
• Australian Equities Socially Responsible Investment (SRI)
• International Equities
• Property
• Australian Fixed Interest
• International Fixed Interest
• Cash

However, keep in mind that some asset classes are not available as a single asset class option (infrastructure and private equity, for example), which means your account won't have the same level of diversification as our diversified investment options.

Socially Conscious options
Our Socially Conscious options are designed for members wanting to avoid particular industries and companies considered to have a highly adverse environmental or social impact. For more information refer to the ‘Socially Conscious diversified investment options’ section in the Investment and Fees Handbook.  


As per option selected 


As per option selected 




Benefits of investing with Aware Super

  • A super fund with a history of delivering strong long-term returns, with a range of investment options to choose from.
  • Our default MySuper Lifecycle investment approach adjusts your investments to match your age.
  • Access to your super 24/7 through our award winning app and member portal.
  • Flexible insurance options.
  • Access to personal financial advice limited to your account (i.e. intra-fund advice) at no separate charge from our superannuation advisers.
  • Access to educational webinars covering a range of super and financial topics.



Key Features

MySuper Lifecycle

If you don’t make a choice, your super will be invested in our MySuper Lifecycle approach, which consists of three key phases: Grow, Manage and Enjoy. MySuper Lifecycle automatically adjusts your investment mix as you get older, helping you strike a balance between risk and return that’s best suited to your age.

Your super. Your choice.

If you want to custom build your investment strategy we offer you a choice of 15 investment options including nine diversified options and six single asset class options. You can choose to invest in one option or a combination and can switch your money to another investment option at any time without paying any additional fees.

Diversified investment options

These options invest your super across different asset classes, investment styles, and managers. The percentage allocated to each asset class varies, which means each diversified investment option has a different risk/return profile. The diversified options are: • High Growth • Growth • Diversified Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) • Balanced Growth • Conservative Growth.Each diversified option has a target asset allocation, known as the strategic asset allocation, as well as asset allocation ranges, which are the minimum and maximum amounts we can invest in each asset class.

Single asset class investment options

These options are invested in one asset class only, so you can have a greater degree of control over your investment mix. However, keep in mind that some asset classes are not available as a single asset class option (infrastructure and private equity, for example), so it can be difficult to achieve the same level of diversification as our diversified investment options. The single asset class options are:
• Australian Shares
• International Shares
• Property
• Bonds
• Cash
• Term Deposit

We have two socially responsible investment (SRI) options, (Diversified SRI and Australian Equities SRI) which are designed for members wanting to avoid particular industries that don't align with their values. A key feature of these options is that they exclude investments considered to have a highly adverse environmental or social impact. In addition, the Diversified SRI option, which invests across a range of asset classes, seeks to invest in unlisted investments, such as property and infrastructure assets, that have a positive impact on the environment and community. 

Death and total and permanent disablement cover

As a fund member, if you are aged between 15 and less than 70, you can apply for death and TPD cover or death only cover. A death, terminal illness or TPD benefit is paid as a lump sum. Certain occupations will not be able to receive certain types of insurance.

Income protection cover

Income protection insurance provides a monthly income benefit, which is a percentage of your pre-disability income, if you become sick or injured and are not able to work, as defined by the insurance policy. You have a choice of benefit payment periods. 

Cooling-off rights

If you apply to become a Aware Super member, you have a 14 day cooling-off period. If you change your mind, you can cancel your membership by informing us in writing within 14 days of the earlier of:
• the date you receive your welcome letter/email; or
• five working days after your account is opened.

Making a complaint
We can usually answer any questions you have about your account over the phone.
