
Macquarie Super & Pension Consolidator II

About this Fund

Fund Detail

PDS https://informedinvestor.com.au/view/pds/104281-2024-05-02-03:17.pdf
ASX Code
APIR USI 65 508 799 106



Taking the ‘work’ out of paperwork

We process all investment transactions and manage corporate actions on your behalf. In most cases, this is done according to the instructions you provide to your adviser which are then communicated to us. This helps reduce the ongoing administrative work for your adviser.

Online reporting

To ensure the advice you receive is based on the latest information, both you and your adviser can go to Macquarie Online at any time to view a consolidated picture of your portfolio. 

Flexible Investment Menu options

Super and Pension Consolidator II gives you the choice between two Investment Menu options:

• Engage – a limited Investment Menu option featuring a number of SMA model portfolios managed by Macquarie, as well as a range of term deposits, all with a flat dollar monthly administration fee.

• Elevate – a comprehensive Investment Menu option featuring an extensive number of managed investments, SMAs, Australian listed securities and term deposits from a range of providers.

You have the flexibility to move between the two Investment Menu options by giving us instructions via your adviser or directly to us in writing, which will generally be applied from the start of the month after we receive your instructions. If the Investment Menu option you are moving to offers the same underlying investments you currently hold, this can be done without selling any assets and realising any capital gains. Both Investment Menu options also offer a choice of insurance providers and policies for life events.





Key Features

Wrap Cash Hub

The central cash flow account for all the regular transactions into and out of your account. 

Managed investments

Professionally managed investments across a broad range of investment strategies and styles.

  • Engage - Not available.
  • Elevate - Over 500 available.

Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs)

A type of managed investment which combines professional portfolio management with the benefits of greater control and visibility of the underlying investments.

  • Engage - A selection of managed portfolios available through the Macquarie SMA.
  • Elevate - Over 150 managed portfolios available through a number of SMA providers.

Australian listed securities

Listed securities that can be transacted on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

  • Engage - Not available.
  • Elevate - A wide selection is available.

Term deposits

A range of issuers, terms and rates are available. 

Automated investment management tools

  • Dollar cost averaging - Regular monthly or quarterly investments from the Wrap Cash Hub into managed investments.
  • Automatic cash management - Manage the balance in the Wrap Cash Hub through the automated buying and selling of managed investments and SMAs.
  • Automatic rebalancing - Rebalance the managed investments within your account to ensure that your account stays in line with your investment strategy.

Insurance and estate planning

  • Insurance  - Super Consolidator II offers access to insurance cover for various life events through multiple insurance providers. Types of cover The type of insured benefits available through superannuation is limited to those which are consistent with the conditions of release for death, terminal medical condition, permanent incapacity and temporary incapacity, to ensure that if an insurer accepts a claim, the benefit can be released from the Fund.
  • Non-lapsing death benefit nomination- Provides you with greater control over the payment of your benefits in the event of your death.
  • Child pensions - An extension of the non-lapsing death benefit nomination that allows your benefit to be paid as a taxeffective income stream to your minor children, or certain other children, in the event of your death.

Transacting on your account

  • Online trading for your adviser - With your authority, your adviser can buy and sell your investments online or through a nominated broker.
  • Super to pension transfers - You can switch from Super Consolidator II to Pension Consolidator II without realising any capital gain or loss as a consequence of the transfer.
  • Corporate actions - If you hold Australian listed securities, we generally allow you to participate in corporate actions such as share purchase plans.

Investment limits

As part of the Trustee’s obligation to members and having taken into account a range of factors including risk, diversification and liquidity, some restrictions have been placed on certain types of Eligible Investments at the point of purchase. These restrictions are designed to reduce the potential for large losses by encouraging diversification and to provide adequate liquidity to meet payments and satisfy regulatory requirements




