Hyperion ASX 300 Australian Equities Portfolio
About this Fund
Fund Detail
PDS | |
FUND MANAGER | Hyperion Asset Management |
ASX Code | |
APIR | HYP001 |
INVESTMENT STYLE | The Portfolio invests in proven, high quality Australian companies listed on the ASX. |
INVESTMENT PROFILE | The Portfolio seeks to achieve medium to long-term capital growth and a total return exceeding the Benchmark over a five-year horizon. |
INCEPTION DATE | 01-09-2002 |
BENCHMARK | S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index |
FUND SIZE | S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index |
FEES | See platform provider |
Benefits | Benefits of investing in the Hyperion ASX 300 Australian Equities Portfolio
Risk levelAggressive Investor suitabilityFor Investors who are willing to take more risk in search of greater returns. Aggressive investors are comfortable with volatility and with the greater possibility of negative returns and aim to invest over a long period. |
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Key Features
About the Portfolio
The Hyperion ASX 300 Australian Equities Portfolio is a Seprately Managed Account (SMA) that is only available via investment platforms. There is no PDS for this product but we have included the PDS of the Fund it mirrors to provide more background detail and context The Hyperion ASX300 Australian Equities Portfolio aims to mirror the Hyperion Australian Growth Companies Fund which seeks to achieve medium to long-term capital growth and income by investing primarily in high calibre Australian companies listed within the S&P/ASX 300 Index, at the time of investment. Our strategy uses rigorous and in-depth quantitative and qualitative analysis to establish a unique portfolio. The Portfolio invests in growth-oriented companies which pass Hyperion's rigorous investment process. Typically the Portfolio is highly concentrated with roughly 15-30 stocks.
Our PhilosophyThe highest proven quality businesses with the strongest competitive advantages and organic growth opportunities produce superior shareholder returns over the long-term. Long term capital preservation is paramount. We believe companies in our portfolio have:
How we invest your moneyInvestment strategyHyperion is a high conviction growth style manager that specialises in identifying and investing in quality Australian and global equities. Hyperion's proprietary investment process aims to produce a relatively concentrated portfolio of high-quality companies with predictable earnings and superior growth potential. Hyperion's competitive advantage is summarised in three points: Process; People; Product. Portfolio allocation
The Portfolio is not permitted to own more than 15% of any one company (measured by share capital). Individual stock weightings are not permitted to exceed 13% of the total value of the portfolio. In addition to holding direct assets, the Portfolio may also make investment indirectly, for example by investing in other managed funds where these are aligned with the Portfolio's investment strategy. |