
OC Dynamic Equity Fund

About this Fund

Fund Detail

PDS https://informedinvestor.com.au/view/pds/101364-2022-03-09-17:35.pdf
FUND MANAGER OC Funds Management
ASX Code
INVESTMENT STYLE The Fund invests in securities listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), outside the S&P/ ASX 100 Index.
INVESTMENT PROFILE The Fund aims to return 10-15% over rolling five-year periods.
BENCHMARK S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index
FUND SIZE S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index
FEES 1.72% p.a.



Benefits of investing in the OC Dynamic Equity Fund

  • Focus on high quality businesses, favouring companies with:

  1. strong management
  2. a simple and transparent business model
  3. a sustainable competitive advantage
  4. favourable operational risk characteristics, and
  5. attractive valuation metrics based on our proven financial analysis and valuation techniques

  • Access to our highly experienced investment team focussed on generating strong returns.
  • A proven bottom-up approach to active investment management where the research effort is internally driven and focussed on company visits and industry analysis.
  • An emphasis on risk management where we screen out complex or speculative businesses from our investment process.
  • Flexible cash weightings of up to 20%.
  • Strong alignment of interests with clients, the managers are owners of the business and investors in the Fund, providing strong investment performance incentive.
  • A limit on the total amount of funds under management to avoid compromising investment performance by lack of transactional flexibility.

Risk level


Investor suitability

  • Investors seeking a diversified exposure to quality Australian listed small and mid-cap companies, as well as shorter-term catalyst-driven opportunities.
  • Those looking to complement their direct large-cap Australian equity holdings or large-cap Australian equity managed funds.
  • Investors seeking an active investment approach that seeks to deliver excess risk-adjusted returns.
  • Those with an investment horizon of five years or more.




Key Features

About the Fund

The OC Dynamic Equity Fund is a long-only, benchmark-unaware managed investment scheme with a target investment universe of securities listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), outside the S&P/ ASX 100 Index.

Investment objective

The Fund aims to provide investors with strong long-term returns through investment in high quality small-to- medium-sized companies with sustainable business models and attractive investment fundamentals.

The Fund combines the Core Fundamental investment strategy of the OC Premium Small Companies Fund with the objective of adding further value through investing in select Emerging Leaders and event driven Alpha Plus positions.

Key features of the Fund include:

  • Gain access to a highly rated portfolio of quality smaller Australian companies and some emerging businesses;
  • Opportunity to diversify your portfolio and complement your larger Australian equity holdings;
  • Potentially achieve strong long-term capital growth;
  • The team focuses on managing risk and preserving your capital;
  • OC's Dynamic Equity portfolio is benchmark unaware and gives you access to mid-cap through to micro-cap Australian listed companies, as well as capitalising on select shorter-term opportunities.


How we invest your money

The Fund's investment universe includes all companies listed or about to be listed on the ASX regardless of their size or business sector. Despite the broad investment universe, we focus on small businesses (ex ASX 100) believing they are easier to understand, simpler to value and more accessible to research. We look to invest in simple businesses we can understand, with a history of profits and dividends, and that offer a predictable future earnings stream that we are able to value. Access to key management and earnings transparency is critical.

The Fund invests up to 20% of total capital in a combination of smaller ($100m - $400m market capitalisation) emerging leaders businesses and/or by holding catalyst-driven positives.

Cash isn't allocated strategically, rather it is a result of the investment process, with the cash balances simply being the residual after the investments have been purchased or sold.

Strategic asset allocation

The Fund typically invests within the following guidelines:

  • Australian listed securities: 80-100%
  • Cash: 0-20%

While our equity investments are predominantly in smaller companies, from time to time, we may invest in stocks within the S&P/ASX 100 Index as long as we feel they are consistent with our investment strategy.