
OptiMix Wholesale Growth Trust - Class A Units

About this Fund

Fund Detail

PDS https://informedinvestor.com.au/view/pds/101348-2023-12-13-02:53.pdf
ASX Code

The Trust gains its exposure to a diversified portfolio of investments through the underlying fund. The underlying fund invests in a mix ofinvestment managers. 
The high growth nature of the Trust provides a majority exposure to growth assets such as property, Australian and international shares and alternative assets, with a lesser exposure to defensive assets, such as fixed interest and cash.


To provide capital growth over the long term by investing in a diversified portfolio of predominantly growth assets with minimal defensive asset exposure and to achieve total returns after fees in excess of the benchmark over a rolling seven-year period.

BENCHMARK Australian CPI + 5.5% p.a.
FUND SIZE Australian CPI + 5.5% p.a.
FEES 0.94% p.a.



Benefits of investing in OptiMix Wholesale Trusts

The Trust, which is part of the OptiMix Wholesale range of trusts, offers you a range of benefits and features including:

Potential for capital growth and income to help you meet your investment needs.

Investor flexibility as the Trust is open to both direct investors and indirect investors who wish to invest in the Trust via a master trust or a wrap service.

In addition, if you are a direct investor, the Trust offers the following benefits and features:

Online education through online material providing information on performance history, asset allocations, unit prices, market commentaries and updates as well as access to the necessary brochures and forms.

Ability to keep track of investments through:

  • `Account Access', our secure and easy to use online service available at onepath.com.au, which allows you to view account balances, recent transactions and transaction statements and update your personal details
  • regular transaction statements detailing your applications, withdrawals, opening and closing balances (including unit prices)
  • personalised annual taxation statements, providing all the relevant information required to complete your tax return including details of withdrawals
  • for the latest available information on the Trust, you can contact Customer Services, visit our website at onepath.com.au, speak to your financial adviser or email us at wholesale.unittrust@onepath.com.au.

If you are an indirect investor, you should contact your financial adviser or Service Operator.



The Trust is suitable for investors seeking long-term capital growth through a well-diversified portfolio of growth assets, who can accept the volatility associated with a portfolio with significant growth asset exposure.



Key Features

About the Trust

The Trust is an OptiMix multi-manager trust that has exposure to underlying actively managed funds. Please refer to section 5 of the PDS for more information about the Trust's investment process.

As responsible entity of the Trust and the underlying funds in which the Trust invests, OnePath Funds Management monitors and regularly reviews the performance of the underlying investment managers we appoint to manage the Trust's underlying assets.

As part of this regular review, OnePath Funds Management may add or remove one or more underlying investment manager(s) at any time without prior notice. We will publish updated information about the underlying investment managers at onepath.com.au/superandinvestment/investment-funds.aspx > OptiMix Multi-Manager map.

The investment process

The Trust is an OptiMix multi-manager trust that adopts an active investment approach, constructing portfolios on the basis of in-depth analysis and research conducted by the OptiMix investment team on capital markets and external managers.

The Trust investments

The OptiMix investment team and the specialist managers may invest in a range of assets, including fixed interest, Australian and international shares, property and alternative assets (which are assets that behave differently to the traditional asset classes just mentioned).

In order to gain exposure to the investment markets, the Trust may invest directly or indirectly via other unlisted trusts. The Trust will not incur additional management, entry or exit fees for this type of investing. In addition, the Trust's investment manager(s) may undertake forms of gearing by employing long/short strategies.


How we invest your money

The Trust invests in a diversified portfolio of Australian and international assets through a mix of managers, with a strong bias towards growth assets. The Trust is actively managed in accordance with the OptiMix multi-manager investment process.

Asset allocation

(Asset: Benchmark / Range)

  • Cash & short-term secruities: 1% / 0-15%
  • Diversified Fixed interest: 4% / 0-15%
  • Alternative - Defensive: 5% / 0-15%
  • Property*: 11% / 0-25%
  • Australian shares: 31% / 20-45%
  • International shares: 37% / 25-50%
  • Alternative - Growth: 11% / 0-25%

* Property asset sector may include exposure to Australian direct property and Australian and international property securities.

Derivatives and swap arrangements

The Trust may invest in derivatives, including futures, options, warrants and swaps to gain exposure to investment markets and to manage risks associated with market price, interest rate and currency fluctuations. Derivatives may also be used to hedge currency exposure associated with international investments.

In addition, the Trust has an exposure to alternative assets through underlying fully funded total return swap arrangements (Swaps).

The counterparty to the underlying Swaps is our related body corporate, ANZ Wealth Alternative Investment Management Pty Limited. Please refer to Risk of Swaps' in the Additional Information Guide for more information.