
OA Frontier AP-UBS Diversified Fixed Income

About this Fund

Fund Detail

PDS https://informedinvestor.com.au/view/pds/101317-2024-09-03-02:57.pdf
FUND MANAGER UBS Asset Management
ASX Code
INVESTMENT STYLE The Option is an actively managed, diversified portfolio of Australian and global fixed income assets.
INVESTMENT PROFILE The Option aims to outperform the Benchmark over rolling 3 year periods.
BENCHMARK 50% Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr Index / 50% Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index (hedged to AUD)
FUND SIZE 50% Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr Index / 50% Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index (hedged to AUD)
FEES 0.98% p.a.



Benefits of investing with OneAnswer Frontier Personal Super and Pension

OneAnswer Frontier Personal Super and Pension enables you to tailor an investment solution to help you achieve your retirement goals by offering you:

  • Choice and flexibility through an extensive range of carefully selected investment funds and other features. Our wide range of investment funds enable you to diversify your investment and gain exposure to a range of asset classes, fund managers and investment styles. You can build your portfolio by investing or switching into investment funds managed by a range of leading Australian and international fund managers. OneAnswer also offers the OptiMix investment funds where a number of complementary investment managers are selected and combined to manage the underlying funds within each asset class.
  • Convenience and control through extensive services, including a regular investment plan (Personal Super only), auto-rebalancing and dollar cost averaging plans. In OneAnswer Frontier Pension you also have access to convenient pension payment options. You can choose to receive regular pension payments with a range of different payment options available. You can also track and manage your OneAnswer account online. Upon joining OneAnswer, you will be automatically registered for Account Access, our secure and easy to use online service available at onepath.com.au
  • Protection for those closest to you by packaging insurance cover within super and paying for Life and/or Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD), Income Secure and Extra Care cover offered through OneCare Super from your OneAnswer Frontier Personal Super account. If you choose to SuperLink TPD or Income Secure cover you can maintain the benefits of holding cover inside super whilst accessing more benefits and features that sit outside super.

Risk level

Medium to High

Investor suitability

The fund is best suited to investors who seek to diversify their fixed income exposure through investment in a mix of Australian and international securities across the fixed income asset class.




Key Features

About OneAnswer Frontier

OneAnswer Frontier provides a comprehensive solution to your investment, superannuation and retirement needs.

OneAnswer Frontier offers you an extensive range of innovative features and member services, including:

  • a wide choice of over 80 investment funds
  • access to comprehensive and tax effective Life, Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD), Income Secure and Extra Care Cover within OneCare Super with insurance fees paid from OneAnswer Frontier Personal Super
  • Ongoing Fee rebates for larger account balances
  • hassle-free rollover assistance for superannuation accounts you may have elsewhere
  • a straightforward transfer to OneAnswer Frontier Pension when you retire
  • ongoing administration, consolidated reporting and online account management across all investment funds
  • convenient online transacting and contribution options, such as BPay
  • helpful and efficient telephone and online customer service • continually awarded and highly rated superannuation and retirement services.

Which OneAnswer solution is right for me?

OneAnswer Frontier Personal Super

If you:

  • are still working and want to save for your retirement in a tax-effective way
  • want to tax effectively pay for insurance cover from your superannuation investment
  • want to rollover and consolidate superannuation benefits
  • want a wide range of investment funds.

OneAnswer Frontier Pension

If you are eligible and want to:

  • transfer your superannuation savings to an income stream
  • defer any lump-sum tax on cashing in your superannuation
  • receive a regular income from your retirement savings
  • take advantage of the tax concessions for income streams
  • have a death benefits income stream.


How we invest your money

The strategy is managed by employing both top-down macroeconomic research and bottom-up security specific analysis to build a portfolio with the core defensive characteristics of the fixed interest asset class. Whilst the fund seeks to be fully hedged to Australian dollars, we may invest in strategic foreign currency exposures that will not exceed 10% of the total portfolio.

Asset allocation

(Asset class: Benchmark / Range)

  • Australian bonds and cash: 50% / N/A
  • International bonds and cash: 50% / N/A
  • Foreign currency exposure: 0%