Russell Investments GSS Active 30/70 Fund
About this Fund
Fund Detail
PDS | |
FUND MANAGER | Netwealth Investments |
ASX Code | |
APIR | NET0025AU |
INVESTMENT STYLE | The Fund invests in a mix of assets across various traditional and alternative asset classes with a neutral exposure of 50% to growth assets and 50% exposure to defensive assets. |
INVESTMENT PROFILE | The Fund seeks to generate a rate of return that exceeds the Benchmark by at least 2.5% per annum over rolling 5-year periods. |
CURRENCY MANAGEMENT | Active management |
INCEPTION DATE | 24-10-2012 |
BENCHMARK | Consumer Price Index |
FUND SIZE | Consumer Price Index |
FEES | 0.20% p.a. (+ indirect cost of 0.45%) |
Benefits | Benefits of investing in the Russell Investments GSS Active 30/70 FundAccess to professional investment managers By investing through one or more Underlying Funds, the Fund gives you the benefit of access to the professional investment managers who operate those Underlying Funds. Pooling of investors' funds By pooling the investments of many investors, investments can often be made for less cost than would apply to individual investors and investment and risk management techniques not usually available to retail investors can often be used. A simple way of investing and switching your investment The Fund provides a simple way of investing through your platform account and allows you to withdraw your investment when you wish to. Generally, by giving us directions through your platform account, you can withdraw your investment in the Fund at any time, as described in section 2 of the PDS. You can also give us directions to switch your investment to other funds available through your platform account if you decide you wish to change your investment in the future (see section 5 of the PDS). Online information about your investment As an investor in the Fund, you have online access to obtain information about the investment.
INVESTOR SUITABILITY | Suits investors with an invetsment time horizon of atleast 3 years, seeking potential stable income and capital growth across multiple asset classes, startegies and managers. |
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Detail |
Key Features
About the FundThe Fund invests in a
mix of assets across various traditional and alternative asset classes via
investment in one or more Underlying Funds, with a neutral exposure of 30% to
growth assets such as shares, property and alternative investments and 70% exposure to defensive assets such as cash and fixed interest.
Asset class exposures are actively managed as the managers of the Underlying
Funds seek to protect against risk or benefit from investment opportunities.
The Fund seeks exposure to a range of investment managers through the
Underlying Funds. Underlying Funds may invest in other managed funds, direct
securities, exchange traded funds, foreign exchange contracts and/or
derivatives. |
How we invest your moneyCurrently the Fund is invested in the Russell Investments Conservative Fund (ARSN 094 799 578) managed by Russell Investment Management Ltd ABN 53 068 338 974. Russell Investment Management Ltd has given and has not withdrawn before the preparation date of this PDS, its written consent to be named in the PDS as the manager of Russell Investments Conservative Fund in the form and context in which it appears in the PDS. Asset allocation ranges
Asset class exposures are actively managed within the strategic asset allocation ranges, with a neutral exposure of 30% to growth assets and 70% exposure to defensive assets. The allocation between growth and defensive assets and the allocation between asset classes within both the growth and defensive asset groups is expected to vary considerably from the neutral position. It is therefore possible that at times the allocation between growth and defensive asset groups may be substantially different from 30%/70%. |