
BT Multi-Sector Balanced Portfolio

About this Fund

Fund Detail

PDS https://informedinvestor.com.au/view/pds/101191-2024-07-25-16:30.pdf
FUND MANAGER BT Investment Solutions
ASX Code
INVESTMENT STYLE The Portfolio provides investors with a balanced exposure to growth assets such as shares and property as well as to fixed interest and cash investments.
INVESTMENT PROFILE The Portfolio seeks to provide both growth and income.
FEES You can negotiate the amount of this fee (as a flat or tiered percentage based amount) across assets in your tailored portfolio(s). If you specify a percentage amount, the amount will be calculated based on your average daily balance for the month for the assets in your tailored portfolio(s)



Benefits of investing with BT Panorama

Panorama Super offers a range of benefits and features.




  • Online account opening ensures your account is up and running quickly.
  • When you open an account, a transaction account is automatically established for you. The transaction account allows you to manage your account easily and efficiently.
  • An automated drawdown strategy helps manage your cash balance.
  • You have the ability to share your documents with your adviser through your secure online document library.



Manage your investments online



  • Work with your adviser to manage your investments and account online at bt.com.au/panorama.
  • In Super, you can set up either a regular contribution plan, making it easy to control the cash flows into your account, or an automated regular investments into your existing managed funds, managed portfolios and Tailored Portfolio assets.    
  • If you have a Pension or Transition to Retirement Pension you have the flexibility to choose your income payment amount (within statutory limits) and the frequency of payments.








  • Your account is designed to be accessed online, through your mobile, tablet or desktop computer. You can also download the BT Panorama mobile application to view your account. Please note that not all features available at bt.com.au/panorama are available on the mobile application.
  • A consolidated view and reporting on your account (such as your transaction history or a breakdown of your investment portfolio by asset class) is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at bt.com.au/panorama.






  • A range of reports are available online giving you up-to-date information (such as performance returns) so that you can stay informed.
  • You can also access current information such as topical news items, ASX pricing, company information and upcoming dividend information.






  • Panorama Super gives you a single point of access to a range of investments.
  • You have the choice between a Compact menu or Full menu, which have different investment options and different administration fees. You can obtain a list of the investments available to you and copies of the relevant disclosure documents from your adviser or by contacting us.





  • You may be able to access a comprehensive range of insurance options. BT Protection Plans can help provide you and your loved ones with financial stability, should the unexpected happen. You can obtain a copy of the relevant disclosure documents from your adviser or by contacting us.


What type of cover is available?



  • Terminal Illness and Death cover: Helps to provide for your family, should you be unable to provide for them due to terminal illness4 or death.
  • Total and Permanent Disability cover: Total and Permanent Disability insurance pays a benefit if you become totally and permanently disabled4. It may assist with medical and rehabilitation costs, and provide a level of financial security for your family.


  • Income Protection cover: Your ability to earn an income is one of your most valuable assets. Income Protection can provide a monthly benefit to replace a portion of the income lost if you are working and then unable to work at your full capacity due to sickness or injury.




Risk level

Medium to Medium-High

RISK LEVEL Medium to Medium-High



Key Features

About BT Panorama

Panorama is a new wealth experience. One dedicated place to access your investment portfolio, investment information and comprehensive investment reporting and even manage your super and your SMSF, if you have one. Plus, you can access our fully-featured and flexible BT Protection Plans insurance solutions, integrated seamlessly into the BT Panorama platform. Creating efficiencies for you and your adviser, in the way your wealth is managed.

Panorama Super provides a range of diversified managed, sector-specific managed and sector-specific direct investment strategies for you to choose from. The available investment options for the Compact menu are managed funds, managed portfolios and term deposits.

Each investment strategy has an investment objective that covers its aim, how it is normally invested and the type of investor for whom it is intended to be suitable.

Your adviser can help you determine which investment strategy is right for you and they can also help you to select the appropriate investment options within that strategy.

About the Managed Portfolio

You can choose from a range of managed portfolio options managed by professional investment managers. Managed portfolios are investment options made available through managed investment schemes accessible through Panorama Super.

Managed portfolio options are designed to remove the need for you to individually research assets or fund managers, monitor your holdings and manually trade your assets. Essentially, once you select a particular managed portfolio option, your investment in that managed portfolio option will be managed and rebalanced in accordance with that option's investment strategy and objectives.


How we invest your money

The Managed Portfolio seeks to provide investors with growth through a balanced exposure to growth assets such as shares and property as well as to fixed interest and cash investments. This may include an exposure to alternative assets. 

Investment options in this strategy will suit investors who want a balanced exposure to growth and income producing assets and accept that returns over the short term will fluctuate and may even be negative.

Asset allocation indicative ranges

  • Growth assets: 40% - 60%
  • Defensive assets: 40% - 60%