BlackRock GSS Hedged International Equities Index Fund
About this Fund
Fund Detail
PDS | |
FUND MANAGER | Netwealth Investments Ltd |
ASX Code | |
APIR | NET2119AU |
INVESTMENT STYLE | The Fund is currently invested in the iShares Hedged International Equity Index Fund managed by BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited. |
INVESTMENT PROFILE | The Fund seeks to provide investors with the performance of the market, before fees and the cost of hedging, as measured by the Benchmark. |
INCEPTION DATE | 06-03-2018 |
BENCHMARK | MSCI World ex-Australia Net TR Index (hedged in AUD) |
FUND SIZE | MSCI World ex-Australia Net TR Index (hedged in AUD) |
FEES | 0.21% p.a. |
Benefits | Benefits of investing in the BlackRock GSS Hedged International Equities Index FundIndexing The Underlying Fund that the Fund currently invests in is an index fund. Index funds are designed to provide an investment return that matches or is similar to the investment return of a particular market index. Market indices measure the performance of particular types of investment. Often, they measure the performance of shares and other investments listed on a stock exchange. Currently, the market index chosen is the MSCI World ex- Australia Net TR Index (hedged in AUD). Index funds have a number of advantages:
The disadvantage of index funds is that they will likely not outperform the chosen index. Currency hedging The manager of the Underlying Fund seeks to remove the effect (in Australian dollar terms) of currency fluctuations on the returns of the Underlying Fund by converting the currency exposure of the Underlying Fund back to Australian dollars. This is done by the forward sale of a set of currencies in amounts that correspond to the value of international assets in the Underlying Fund. This can be done in a number of ways, such as buying currency forward contracts, futures contracts and currency options. While currency hedging has the advantage of removing or reducing the risk of investment values falling (in Australian dollar terms) due to the Australian dollar rising, it also has the disadvantage that, if the Australian dollar falls, the benefit of the exchange gain is lost or reduced. Access to professional investment managers By investing through one or more Underlying Funds, the Fund gives you the benefit of access to the professional investment managers who operate those Underlying Funds. Pooling of investors' funds The pooling of a number of investors' funds assists the investment manager(s) of the Underlying Fund(s) in implementing its indexing strategy efficiently. A simple way of investing and switching your investment The Fund provides a simple way of investing through your platform account and allows you to withdraw your investment when you wish to. Generally, by giving us directions through your platform account, you can withdraw your investment in the Fund at any time, as described in section 2. You can also give us directions to switch your investment to other funds available through your platform account if you decide you wish to change your investment in the future (see section 5 of the PDS). Online information about your investment As an investor in the Fund through a platform account, you have online access to obtain information about the investment.
INVESTOR SUITABILITY | Investor suitabilityLong term investors seeking a broad hedged exposure to the world's developed share markets. |
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Key Features
About the FundInvestment strategyTo invest in or otherwise provide an exposure to the securities comprising the MSCI World ex-Australia Net TR Index (hedged in AUD) and any securities which are expected to join the index in a way that replicates the performance of that index. The Underlying Fund or Underlying Funds (either directly or through one or more other funds) aim to purchase every security that forms the index, although derivatives such as futures, forwards and options may be used in certain circumstances to provide part of the exposure. The investment strategy is implemented by investing through the Underlying Fund or Underlying Funds. Investment return objectiveThe Fund's objective is to provide investors with the performance of the market, before fees and the cost of hedging, as measured by the MSCI World ex-Australia Net TR Index (hedged in AUD). The investment return objective is expressed before the deduction of management fees, expense recoveries and taxation, i.e. performance is measured relative to the benchmark before fees, costs (including hedging costs) and taxes are deducted. The investment return objective is not intended to be a forecast of actual performance; it is merely an indication of what is aimed to be achieved over the investment time horizon. Netwealth does not guarantee that the Fund will achieve its investment return objective. |
How we invest your moneyCurrently the Fund is invested in the iShares Hedged International Equity Index Fund (ARSN 095 723 710) managed by BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited (ABN 13 006 165 975, AFS Licence 230523). BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited has given and has not withdrawn before the preparation date of this PDS, its written consent to be named in this PDS as the manager of iShares Hedged International Equity Index Fund in the form and context in which it appears in the PDS. Strategic asset allocationThe Fund is intended to be exposed to all the securities in the MSCI World ex-Australia Net TR Index (hedged in AUD). Therefore, it does not have a pre-determined asset allocation but instead seeks exposure to assets matching the composition of that index by investing in the Underlying Fund or Underlying Funds. |