
Russell Investments Master Trust - iQ Retirement - Listed International Property Securities

About this Fund

Fund Detail

PDS https://informedinvestor.com.au/view/pds/101043-2024-07-19-02:48.pdf
FUND MANAGER Russell Investment Management
ASX Code
INVESTMENT STYLE The option invests predominantly in property trusts and property-related securities listed on stock exchanges in developed international markets.
INVESTMENT PROFILE The Option seeks to earn a return above Benchmark, before tax and after costs, over rolling 5 year periods.
BENCHMARK FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Real Estate Index Net TRI - $A Hedged
FUND SIZE FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Real Estate Index Net TRI - $A Hedged
FEES 0.72% p.a.



Benefits of investing with iQ Retirement

The Diversified options provide fully implemented investment solutions, which combine a range of investment managers across an array of asset classes.

The benefits of investing in the Diversified options are:


  • Actively managed, multi-asset solutions: Russell Investments creates investment strategies for some of the world's most demanding investors including many of Australia's household names. The investment strategies of the Diversified options are based on the same deep insights, high standards and stringent research we use working for those large investors.
  • Quality ingredients: Given the choice, wouldn't you prefer to work with some of the world's top investment managers and the opportunities they present to build your portfolio? Russell Investments, not only sells the best they have to offer, but also finds the top investment managers and strategies available from around the world, no matter who is providing them.
  • Efficient implementation: With an award winning, global top-tier trading desk, Russell Investments will work diligently to keep every possible cent where it belongs— working for you—even through the most
    challenging market events.
RISK LEVEL Risk level Short term: Very High Long term: Low

Investor suitability

Suitable for members seeking property-like returns who have a long investment horizon. Members must be willing to accept the possibility of negative returns over the shorter term.



Key Features

About the Fund

The Diversified options provide exposure to:

  1. a unique spread of up to 100 independent investment managers;
  2. active management and rebalancing of assets and manager weightings within each option; and
  3. manager monitoring and replacement when necessary.

The Diversified options are uniquely positioned to take advantage of Russell Investments' outcome-oriented, open architecture, multi- style, multi-manager investment approach.

About iQ Retirement

iQ Retirement offers members a flexible way to make the most of their money in the years leading up to retirement, and importantly, maximise their savings once retired. iQ Retirement offers:

  • no transaction costs to move money between the Contribution and Pension Accounts
  • a dedicated website with all your account details
  • no fees to establish, contribute to, or withdraw from the account
  • competitive administration fees, which can be reduced if a higher balance is maintained. Family members may also be linked to the account to take advantage of the reduced fees that applies for balances greater than $500,000.

For those over preservation age and still working, iQ Retirement may be used as part of a transition to retirement strategy or, if retired, the Pension Account can be used to pay a regular income.


How we invest your money

Predominantly exposed to property trusts and property-related securities listed on stock exchanges in developed international markets.

May also be exposed to securities which have exposure to properties in emerging markets.

Underlying foreign currency exposures are largely back to Australian dollars.


  • Australian Equities: 20 - 75%
  • International Equities 20 - 75%
  • Property 0 - 25%
  • Fixed Income 0 - 30%
  • Cash 0 - 20%
  • Infrastructure 0 - 25%
  • Commodities 0 - 10%
  • Other Alternatives 0 - 25%