
Pendal Short Term Income Securities Fund

About this Fund

Fund Detail

PDS https://informedinvestor.com.au/view/pds/100706-2024-06-06-02:37.pdf
FUND MANAGER Pendal Institutional
ASX Code
INVESTMENT STYLE The Fund is an actively managed portfolio of primarily Australian cash and fixed interest securities.
INVESTMENT PROFILE The Fund aims to provide a return (before fees, costs and taxes) that exceeds the Benchmark.
BENCHMARK Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index
FUND SIZE Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index
FEES 0.25% p.a.



Benefits of investing in the Pendal Short Term Income Securities Fund

Investing in the Fund offers investors a range of benefits:

  • access to a professionally managed portfolio of Australian cash and fixed interest securities which aims to maintain capital stability while providing regular income;
  • access to Pendal's investment expertise;
  • exposure to investment grade securities;
  • regular investment statements and an annual tax statement to keep you up-to-date on your investment;
  • ability to keep track of your investments in the secure client area by visiting the login section at www.pendalgroup.com.

Risk level


Investor suitability

This Fund is designed for investors who want capital stability, regular income and low variability of returns.




Key Features

About the Fund

The Pendal Short Term Income Securities Fund (Fund) is an actively managed portfolio of debt securities such as short-term money market instruments and medium term notes. Key features of the Fund include next day access to funds and quarterly distribution.

The Fund invests in medium-term securities that are investment graded rated and short-term securities with a credit rating of A-3 or higher by Standard and Poor's or equivalent rating agency. Duration is managed in a range of +/- 0.5 year around the index.

The Fund aims to provide a return (before fees, costs and taxes) that exceeds the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index. The recommended investment time frame is 12 months or more.

Investment Approach

The Fund aims to add value through active management by exploiting market inefficiencies through the shape of the money market curve and the mispricing of credit securities. Research is focused on assessing economic factors, the likely direction of interest rates and credit analysis. Credit margin relative value is assessed with reference to rating, sector, maturity, liquidity and underlying credit fundamentals.


How we invest your money

The Fund invests in a combination of short-term money market instruments and medium-term floating and fixed rate securities. These may include direct or indirect holdings of government, bank, corporate, asset backed and other securities. The Fund aims to maintain capital stability through limited exposure to interest rate movements and prudent credit management. The Fund invests in short- term and medium-term securities that are investment grade3. The Fund may also use derivatives.

Pendal's investment process for cash and fixed interest securities aims to add value through multiple strategies and investment research. Pendal seeks to exploit market inefficiencies through the shape of the money market curve and credit management. Our investment approach for credit management seeks to identify opportunities on a sector, issuer and security basis by incorporating top-down and bottom-up research. Top-down research includes analysis of economic and market data, along with macro credit fundamentals such as company earnings, balance sheet health, default rates and equity volatility. The bottom-up research includes analysis of earnings and cashflow volatility, balance sheet, business diversity, industry and valuation.

Asset Classes and Asset Allocation Ranges*

  • Cash and fixed interest securities: 0%-100%

*The reference to the Fund investing in an asset class includes all types of investments which give exposure to that asset, directly or indirectly, including through derivatives and investment in other funds which invest primarily in that asset class, and through any type of investment which would ordinarily be understood in financial markets to be included in that asset class. It does not preclude investment in other types of assets where we consider it appropriate to do so in the interests of investors.

Derivatives may be used to reduce risk and can act as a hedge against adverse movements in a particular market and/or in the underlying assets. Derivatives can also be used to gain exposure to assets and markets.