
Yarra Income Plus Fund

Economists Are Idiots!

About this Fund

Fund Detail

PDS https://informedinvestor.com.au/view/pds/100369-2023-03-22-03:19.pdf
FUND MANAGER Yarra Funds Management
ASX Code
INVESTMENT STYLE An active manager of diversified portfolios aiming to select a mix of asset classes that will maximise the income paid by the Fund.
INVESTMENT PROFILE The Fund aims to deliver regular income and to achieve medium-term capital growth over a 3-5 year time horizon.
BENCHMARK Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index
FUND SIZE Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index
FEES 0.68% p.a.



Benefits of investing in the Yarra Income Plus Fund

A summary of the significant features and benefits of investing in the Fund is as follows:

  • Professional management: Access to a specialist team, with extensive experience in hybrid, fixed income, equity and cash investments, who actively manage the underlying investments
  • Extensive resources: Dedicated full-time research resources, a rigorous investment process, highly developed risk management techniques, advanced technology and advanced trading systems
  • Access to investment opportunities: By investing in a managed fund you effectively pool your money with that of other investors. This means you can take advantage of the greater buying power and investment opportunities a large pool of money allows, even though you may have a comparatively small sum of money to invest
  • Diversification: Exposure to a professionally managed portfolio diversified over a range of asset classes and assets. The underlying investments are actively managed to seek optimal risk/reward outcomes for the Fund
  • Liquidity: The ability to generally invest in and redeem Units in the Fund on a daily basis.

Risk level

Low to Medium

Investor suitability

The Fund may be suitable to investors that have a medium term' buy and hold investment time frame (i.e. a recommended minimum term of 3 to 5 years), who seek returns that are in line with the objective of the Fund and who have a risk tolerance in line with the Funds summary risk level.




Key Features

Investment objective

To provide regular income and to achieve medium term capital growth through exposure to cash, money market products, domestic fixed interest and a range of high yielding investments, including domestic hybrid investments, property, infrastructure and utilities securities and international fixed interest assets. In doing so, the aim is to outperform the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index over rolling three-year period.

Investment approach

As an active manager of diversified portfolios, we aim to select a mix of asset classes that will maximise the income paid by the Fund.

In order to achieve this objective, the team of investment professionals focuses on choosing an optimal mix of asset classes. This detailed analysis incorporates key factors such as asset valuations, momentum in economic activity, expectations around inflation, along with the outlook for government spending and interest rates.

Portfolios are constructed in accordance with strict investment limits for each asset class in order to minimise or control risk. This disciplined approach to risk control, combined with a thorough analysis of asset classes, enables the team to create diversified portfolios that best meet the investment objective.

To gain exposure to the relevant asset classes, the Income Plus Pooled Fund may invest in other managed investment schemes or products (that may have investment management functions performed by YFM or hold assets directly.


How we invest your money

The Fund has exposure to a range of asset classes including property, infrastructure and utilities securities, hybrid investments, floating rate investments, government and corporate bonds, high yield debt products, and cash and cash equivalents within the following parameters:

  • Property, infrastructure and utilities securities: 0%-25%
  • Hybrid and floating rate securities: 0%-40%
  • Diversified credit*: 0%-20%
  • Fixed interest securities: 0%-50%
  • Cash: 5%-100%

*Diversified Credit represents an investment which seeks to generate an enhanced floating rate income from investing in a diversified multi asset pool of credit, blending investment grade, high yield, liquid and less-liquid assets across multiple credit security types and currencies which may include hybrids, floating rate securities, fixed interest securities and cash.

International fixed interest and other interest bearing assets may be utilised.

Derivatives to manage investment risk and gain or reduce exposure to relevant markets in an efficient manner whilst still remaining within allowable asset allocation ranges.