
Altius Sustainable Bond Fund

About this Fund

Fund Detail

PDS https://informedinvestor.com.au/view/pds/100332-2024-06-22-02:18.pdf
FUND MANAGER Australian Unity Funds Management
ASX Code
INVESTMENT STYLE The Fund is an Australian fixed interest fund that invests in companies which conduct their business and apply capital responsibly, giving full consideration to a range of ESG issues.
INVESTMENT PROFILE The Fund aims to outperform the Benchmark after fess over rolling three-year periods.
BENCHMARK 50% Reserve Bank of Australia Cash Rate and 50% Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+Yr Index
FUND SIZE 50% Reserve Bank of Australia Cash Rate and 50% Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+Yr Index
FEES 0.37% p.a. of the gross asset value of the Fund



Benefits of investing in the Altius Sustainable Bond Fund

The significant features and benefits of the Fund are:



  • Contemporary investment process.
  • Access to an active fixed interest manager.
  • A diversified portfolio of Government and credit securities, with the potential to generate regular income paid quarterly.
  • Access to the skills of a team of seasoned investment professionals who actively manage the portfolio throughout economic cycles.
  • Prudent risk management.
  • Expected low capital volatility.
  • Access to a diversified Australian fixed interest portfolio that may align with the investor's personal and social values.

Investor suitability

This Fund is typically suited to investors who: require an exposure to fixed income investments that offer relatively stable returns and regular income; want a relatively high level of capital preservation; have at least a three-year investment timeframe for holding their investment; and are looking for a fixed income fund that considers Environmental, Social and Governance issues.



Key Features

About the Fund

The Altius Sustainable Bond Fund is an Australian fixed interest fund that invests in companies which not only meet our investment return criteria, but also conduct their business and apply capital responsibly, giving full consideration to a range of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.

All well-balanced portfolios should have an allocation to bonds but investors looking for responsible investment choices in fixed income have few options available to them. As the market is increasingly considering ESG issues when investing in equities, we believe in applying a similar degree of scrutiny before buying bonds in corporations or governments engaging in unsustainable activities.

Altius Asset Management employs a diversified strategy to fixed interest funds management that aims to take advantage of the mispricing of bonds in all market conditions.

Sustainability Advisory Committee

The Altius Sustainability Advisory Committee is charged with using their combined knowledge of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, financial market expertise and insights to provide recommendations with respect to the investable universe of the Fund.


How we invest your money

Altius employs an active and diversified strategy that aims to capture the upside of the bond market, while avoiding returns less than cash in a rising rate or deteriorating credit environment.

Crucial in today's environment, the Fund has a flexible mandate that enables it to shift duration and sector exposures. The team invests with high conviction and is willing to take significant positions away from the benchmark.

Risk management is embedded in strategy formulation and is a central driver of our investment process.

In addition to satisfying our comprehensive fixed income investment process, securities considered for the Fund must satisfy criteria documented in a Sustainability Policy maintained by our Sustainability Advisory Committee. This policy contains principles which form the basis of a sustainability screen' to determine an investment universe of security issuers.

The Fund has broad investment guidelines permitting investments in fixed interest securities of 0%-100% and cash and similar investments of 0%-100%. Furthermore, these investments may be with government or corporate entities in a range of 0%-100%. These broad ranges assist in our aim to position the Fund to achieve positive performance returns and to protect investors' capital in a rising interest rate and/or deteriorating credit environment.