AllianceBernstein Global Equities Fund
About this Fund
Fund Detail
PDS | |
FUND MANAGER | AllianceBernstein Australia |
ASX Code | |
APIR | ACM0009AU |
INVESTMENT STYLE | The Fund invests in global equity securities within developed, emerging and frontier markets. |
INVESTMENT PROFILE | The Fund aims to achieve returns in excess of the Benchmark after fees over the medium to long term. |
CURRENCY MANAGEMENT | Active management |
INCEPTION DATE | 22-07-2015 |
BENCHMARK | MSCI All Country World Index in Australian dollars |
FUND SIZE | MSCI All Country World Index in Australian dollars |
NO. OF HOLDINGS | 50-80 |
FEES | 0.70% p.a. |
Benefits | Benefits of investing in the AllianceBernstein Global Equities Fund
Risk levelHigh Investor suitabilityThe Fund is designed for equity investors with high risk tolerances who want the potential for long term capital growth and some income by investing in global equity securities. |
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Key Features
About the FundThe Fund invests in global equity securities within developed, emerging and frontier markets. The Fund implements an active investment approach that typically aims to invest in approximately 50 to 80 securities that are expected to offer good prospects for attractive returns relative to general equities markets. Generally, security selection is intended to be the key driver of the Fund's return. The Fund seeks to limit any bias towards any individual country, sector, investment style, macroeconomic influences or company size. |
How we invest your moneyThe Fund aims to achieve its investment objective by investing in equities anywhere in the world including developed, emerging and frontier markets*. The Fund will principally be comprised of equity securities of companies considered by the investment manager to offer good prospects for attractive returns relative to general equities markets. Generally, the Fund aims to ensure that security selection is the key driver of the Fund's return and seeks to limit any bias towards any individual country, sector, investment style, macroeconomic influences or company size. From time to time security selection may lead to country or sector over/underweights relative to the Benchmark. The Fund may also hold up to 30% of the Fund's net asset value in securities which are not included in the Benchmark. The Fund may also invest in listed trusts including REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts), ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) and securities we reasonably expect to be listed within six months including initial public offerings. The Fund may also use derivatives including, but not limited to, options, futures, currency forwards, swaps, and local access products which include, equity linked certificates, participation notes and warrants. Derivatives may be used to manage risk, invest cash and gain or reduce exposures. Derivatives will not be used for leverage or gearing purposes. *See section 4 of the PDS for an explanation of emerging and frontier markets. Asset classes and allocation rangesThe Fund is expected to have an asset allocation of 100% to global equity securities and cash. Generally, cash is intended to make up 5% or less of the Fund's net asset value. |