
Dexus Wholesale Australian Property Fund

About this Fund

Fund Detail

PDS https://informedinvestor.com.au/view/pds/100283-2024-06-06-02:20.pdf
FUND MANAGER AMP Capital Investors
ASX Code
INVESTMENT STYLE The Fund invests in a diversified portfolio of Australian office, retail and industrial property.

Dexus Wholesale Australian Property Fund (DWAPF) is an open-ended fund that aims to provide stable returns and long-term capital growth through investment in a diverse portfolio of quality Australian office, retail and industrial properties.

FEES Management fees and costs of 1.04%* pa of the Fund's net assets



Benefits of investing in the AMP Capital Wholesale Australian Property Fund

The Fund provides investors with:

Access to a diversified portfolio of commercial property investments

The Fund provides investors with indirect ownership of an established portfolio of office, retail and industrial assets with a focus on income returns and potential for capital growth. The portfolio is well-diversified with investments located in different markets throughout Australia and a large tenant base comprised of corporate and government tenants.

Access to a low debt fund which allows investors to choose when they invest

The Fund offers investors a means of owning commercial property through an investment vehicle with low debt. The open-ended structure allows investors to choose when they invest in the Fund and, whilst the Fund is liquid, investors may lodge a withdrawal request if they wish to redeem their investment.

AMP Capital's specialist real estate knowledge and broad investment expertise

AMP Capital has a track record in real estate investment which can be traced back over 50 years. Investors in the Fund benefit from specialist teams with expertise in investment research, property management, leasing, capital transactions, development and funds management. A team of state account managers will distribute the Fund throughout Australia.

Risk level

Medium to High




Key Features

About the Fund

The Fund, established in 1985, aims to provide investors with income and long term capital growth, through investment in an established and diversified portfolio of Australian office, retail and industrial properties.

The fund was acquired by Dexus in 2023.

Investment approach

The Fund primarily invests in direct property and may also invest in Australian listed property securities and cash to assist in managing the Fund's return profile and liquidity. The Fund targets assets which have high occupancy rates and stable income streams underpinned by leases to long term, secure commercial and government tenants.

Why direct commercial property?

Commercial property includes office towers, shopping centres and industrial facilities. It provides:



  • Regular income: The rental income generated by a good quality, commercial property portfolio is derived from corporate and government tenants that generally occupy the property on leases running from 3-10 years. The leases create a legal obligation for the tenant to pay the rent which underpins the security of the income.
  • Long-term capital growth: Historically, commercial property values have tended to rise at similar rates to inflation. Assets with these characteristics preserve the real' value of an investor's portfolio allowing the income returns they generate to grow at a similar rate to the cost of living.




How we invest your money

The Fund's investments

The Fund invests primarily in direct property within Australia, with the ability to also invest in cash and listed property securities. The portfolio is designed taking into account the real estate cycle, regional characteristics, investment opportunities and the liquidity profile of the Fund and its investments. The Fund may also invest in other managed investment schemes or investment companies where it is consistent with the Fund's investment objectives.

The Fund's investments may change from time to time, and are updated regularly online at www.ampcapital.com.au (go to the Fund page). These updates can also be obtained by contacting us.

The target asset allocation for the Fund is to hold 75% of its assets as direct property, with the balance of 25% allocated across cash and Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) listed property securities, such as Australian Real Estate Investment Trusts (AREITs) and funds which invest predominantly in AREITs. An AREIT is a corporation, or trust, which provides investors with exposure to properties such as shopping centres and other commercial or industrial properties.

Asset allocation

(Asset Class: Target Asset Allocation / Asset Allocation Range)

  • Direct property: 75% / 50-100%
  • AREITs: 25% / 0-50%
  • Cash: 25% / 0-50%

Asset allocation ranges for the Fund are shown in the table above, and are expressed as a percentage of assets.

The Fund's actual asset allocation may be affected by the number of applications and withdrawals, and the availability and volume of direct property allocations. Consequently, the Fund's actual asset allocation may vary significantly from the target asset allocation range set out in the table above.

If we change the target asset allocation or asset allocation ranges set out in the table above, we will lodge a PDS update notice online on behalf of the Responsible Entity at www.ampcapital.com.au (go to the Fund page). This updated information can also be obtained by contacting us.