
Belararox Limited

ASX Code




Investor Centre





The Company has a focus on securing and developing the Belara Project and the secondary Bullabulling Project tenements located in New South Wales and Western Australia respectively (together the Projects). Business strategy and objectives Belararox Limited's strategy is to focus on optimising the share value of Belararox Limited, directing funds raised by the Offer as efficiently as possible into: a. targeted and systematic exploration at the Projects; and b. the definition of one or more JORC compliant gold and base mineral resources at the The primary objective of the Company is to focus on exploration and development of the Belara Project. In order to achieve this objective, the Company proposes to undertake drilling and exploration programs to identify and report a resource estimates to current standards and increase the extent of the resources. The results of the exploration programs will determine the potential of the Belara Project to host significant mineralisation and possible timing for the commencement of potential further testing including pre-feasibility and feasibility studies in order to assess the economic viability of the Belara Project. In addition to the above activities, the Company intends to continue pursuing other potential acquisitions that have a strategic fit for the Company with the intention of providing maximum value to Shareholders for their investment. The Company’s strategy also includes the gathering, collation and re-assessment of all historic exploration data, particularly where historical drillholes were not fully assayed, to assist future exploration planning, target selection, and to increase the tonnage and lower the uncertainty of the resources at the Belara Project.
