
Lake Throssell Potash Project Looking Good for Trigg




Trigg Mining has announced completion of a Scoping Study on the economic potential of its flagship Lake Throssell Sulphate of Potash project. The results demonstrate a compelling business case for the development of a major new long-life, sustainable SOP project, with strong financial returns.

Lake Throssell will produce 245ktpa SOP once ramped up, over an initial life of mine of 21 years. The estimated operating cash costs of $341/t SOP are low by global standards, and would place Lake Throssell in the lowest-cost quartile of the global SOP industry cost curve, based on CRU analysis.

Based on the new information released in the Scoping Study, we have updated our forecasts for the Lake Throssell project. We derive a DCF equity value for TMG of $0.37 per share, with potential upside as its projects de-risk through further development stages. We note TMG's projects still remain in relatively early stages with associated higher levels of risk and uncertainty.


For full details refer to the detailed report below or click here to download your copy.

[wonderplugin_pdf src="https://www.sharecafe.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/TMG-Flashnote-07102021-Final.pdf" width="100%" height="900px" style="border:0;"]