Vanadium Set for Strategic Role in the Energy Transition
TNG Limited (ASX: TNG) plans to make the critical V2O5 electrolyte to supply and sell Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries (VRFB’s) in Australia. These efficient power storage units are suited to remote and grid applications. Development of solar at mine and H2 for oxide reduction cuts carbon emissions well below competitors. Recent NT EPA Directive encourages TNG to deliver a world-class sustainable design.
TNG is an Australian company listed on the ASX and Frankfurt Exchanges. It is a mineral processing technology company and project developer of its 100% owned world-class Mount Peake Vanadium-Titanium-Iron Project in the Northern Territory. The decade-long work on the mine, technology and process has culminated in a FEED study that focussed on a Darwin sited processing facility. TNG are now engaged on an amended FEED study with an integrated mine/processing facility at the Mount Peake Mine. Next steps are to finalise site approval, final investment decision and a funding over the coming year.
For full details refer to the detailed report below or click here to download your copy.
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