
FPH - UBS rates the stock as Sell




Fisher and Paykel Healthcare competitor Vapotherm maintains its Precision Flow product has a competitive edge over Fisher and Paykel's Optiflow. Vapotherm will release a new Precision flow platform at the end of 2021 which includes an integrated air flow source, allowing for use in hospital wards without piped-in air.

The company also plans to bring its Oxygen Assist Module to the US market in late 2021, which automatically adjusts oxygen levels provided by Precision Flow. This addition make Precision Flow more competitive against Optiflow in the hypoxic patient group.

Vapotherm aims to double sales over the next five years.

The Sell rating and target price of $22.65 are retained.

Sector: Health Care Equipment & Services.


Current Price is $29.59. Target price not assessed.